The Jersey Devil
There are various versions of the story about the Jersey Devil. One was that Mrs. Shrouds of Leeds Point, New Jersey made a wish that if she ever had another child, she want it to be a devil and he was born misshapen and deformed. She sheltered him until one day his arms turned into wings and he flew away. Another was that a young woman fell in love with a British soldier during the Revolutionary war. She was eventually cursed by the people of Leeds Point and she gave birth to a devil. Some people believe the birth of the devil was punishment for the mistreatment of a minister by the Leeds folk. Despite how the devil supposedly came into this world, there have been several eyewitnesses how swear they have personally seen the Jersey Devil. In the 19th century, a naval hero Commodore Stephen Decatur accidentally hit a flying creature while testing a canon. Former king of Spain Joseph Bonaparte spotted the creature while hunting. George Saarosy, a prominent business man, saw the devil a...