Pandora's Box
According to Greek mythology, Epimetheus, the first man on earth, was given dominion over the earth and its creatures. In return, He praised Zeus but after a while it became boring to Zeus. He decided to create a mate for Epimetheus. Zeus gathered all the gods together and told them of his idea. From water and earth, Pandora was created. The gods gave her many talents including beauty and music. When Epimetheus found the gift, he was delighted. He made sure to take special care of Pandora. Soon after, Zeus became bored once again. So he called Hades, god of the underworld, to him and asked him to go to dark places and gather sprites such as hunger, disease, sorrow, etc. Then, Zeus requested that he put them all in a box. One morning, Epimetheus and Pandora were sitting under an olive tree eating when they noticed a stranger carrying a heavy box. As generous as they were, they offered to help carry the box for the traveler. He agreed. They carried the box as they led the stranger ov...