Superstitions have been a big part of our lives for generations. Whether or not you believe in them, they have affected our lives. A groom carrying his bride over the threshold. Covering your mouth when you yawn. Saying "God Bless You" when someone sneezes. There are numerous amount of superstitions, some more unusual than others. Here are just a few: 1) Nails should be bitten, not cut, for the same time, for that would make them thieves. 2) If you go to the bathroom in the night with no clothes on, insects will fall on you 3) An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. 4) If you want to see a friend again, then don't ever say goodbye to them on a bridge. 5) If soot bums in a ring at the back of the grate, pleasure and happiness are on their way to you. 6) Malice and envy are to be feared when sparks jump out of the fire. 7) To put on your stockings or socks inside out is an omen that you will shortly receive a present. If your stocking comes down, your lover is thinking of yo...