Gran Hotel Viena
Ghost Hunters International is back on Jan. 6th with an all new investigation. This time the team heads to the Gran Hotel Viena in Miramar, Argentina. The history of this structure begins with a German named Max Pahlke in 1904. They traveled to Argentina in search of work. Max met and married an Austrian woman named Melita in Uruguay about ten years later. The couple had two children, Max Jr. and Ingrid. His wife Melita suffered from bad asthma and his son Max dealt with psoriasis. Seeking relief from their ailments in Europe was rather dangerous due to World War II. Doctors suggested they visit Laguna de Mar Chiquita due to their curative baths and mud applications. The family took a trip to this location in 1938 and stayed a couple of weeks. They participated in healing treatments, balneotherapy, and mud therapy. After returning to Buenos Aires, that winter, Max noticed an improvement in his wife and son's health. Max was in good economic standing due to being the CEO of Mann...