Reader Submission - Photo of a Banshee

The following photo was sent in by Elizabeth. Do you think it's a Banshee?

This is a photo snapped of what I believe to be a Banshee? It was taken, via cell-phone camera approximately 1 week before my step-father’s cousin died. His mother was on her way up to his room to check on him, as she turned the corner, only to see this! Having her cell-phone in hand she quickly snapped the shot, interestingly enough the cell-phone would no longer work after taken the photo, she could not shut it off or move the pic in any way? I recently decided to do some research on the subject and came upon your web-site, any feedback you can provide would be interesting to our family.


Philia Rei said…
um. . having to live in a country filled with ghosts...

i can much say that, if you do see and hear a banshee it will signal that you or any relative will be next(dying).

might this be your relative who passed away? or a spirit of the one who once lived in that house
Anonymous said…
Banshee : An Irish death omen that manifests when someone is going to die soon.

found this on
Unknown said…
Can someone please help answer my questions about ghosts?!!??!!

This is a real person writing, and I just need some answers.
Unknown said…
Irish believe the banshee to be a woman sitting on your window sill crying while combing her hair and is seen before the death of someone close.

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