Paranormal State Giveaway

The new season of Paranormal State kicks off with two episodes on October 17th. First is "The Death Room" – where PRS arrives in Ryan's hometown to help the new owner of an old southern plantation unearth its dark history. A painful family secret reveals a tale of greed and neglect, and the team must help free its unwilling victim from her spiritual prison.

Next up is “They Only Come Out At Night”– Once night falls in a quaint New England Town, a police officer's family is terrorized by demons. PRS arrives just in time with the family ready to vacate their family home, rather than suffer the advances of these spirit creatures. They have been scratched, pulled, pinched and pushed to the brink. Through investigation and research PRS must come up with a solution to this family's plight and try to save their lovely home.

To highlight their fifth season, fans of Paranormal State can sign up to win an autographed copy of Ryan Buell's book Paranormal State: My Journey Into the Unknown, where he reveals new facts and discusses never-before-seen cases as well as struggles with faith (their own struggles as well as those they are helping). All you have to do is go to the official Paranormal State Facebook page, watch a clip from the show and answer one question correctly. Then, you're entered to be one of the lucky 25 fans to win the book. Winners will be chosen at random

Paranormal State returns on October 17th at 9/8 PM Central followed by the season premiere of Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal at 10/9 PM Central.


tab said…
Haven't seen this, need to check it out for myself.
Leighton said…
Sounds pretty cool!

There's an old book called "Into the Unknown. It's not a novel but it's got some good content!

Thumbs up for your blog!

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