Disney's Haunted Mansion

The name of the ride really fits for this attraction. Disney's Haunted Mansion started out as an original idea by Walt Disney himself. Sadly it wasn't finished before he died in 1966 and construction was put on hold. However, by 1969 the construction was finally finished and was opened to the public. Originally, Walt Disney planned for this ride to set in a New England style house and you were to follow through story until the climatic graveyard scene. But when it opened, it was changed to a New Orlean's style house and visitors rode in a "Doombuggy," and it retained the graveyard scene.

Disney's Haunted Mansion shelters many ghosts. One is said to be a 1940s pilot that crashed in a lake near where the park was to be built. He is known by employees as "the man with a cane." Another ghost that has been often seen, no one really knows who he is. A park employee spotted the shadowy gentleman one day will operating the ride. He was wearing a tuxedo. After seeing him in the mirror only and "supposedly" felt his cold touch on her shoulder, the employee ran out of the Haunted Mansion and quit her job.

There are also stories of a woman who scattered her son's ashes, after being told not to by park officials, in the Haunted Mansion. It is said that it was her dying son's wishes but some people think otherwise. The little boy has been spotted in the Haunted Mansion crying. Despite many stories, only one person has actually died in the Haunted Mansion. A teenage boy died after falling fifteen feet and breaking his neck. He decided that he wanted a closer look at the séance room and got out of the "Doombuggy" but what he didn't realize was the gap between the track and the display.

Next time you take a trip to Disneyland make a quick stop by Disney's Haunted Mansion. You may actually get to see more than you bargained for.

More info: http://theshadowlands.net/famous/disneylandHM.htm

* catmz@theshadowlands.net (2005) The REAL Ghosts in Disneyland's Haunted Mansion. Retrived April 22, 2005 from The Shadowlands: Ghosts and Hauntings website: http://theshadowlands.net


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