The Exorcist- Part I

I know many of you may have seen the 1970s movie The Exorcist but how many of you know the true story behind the movie? The subject of the real story is not a girl but actually a 13 yr old boy who I'll call "Robbie Doe." He grew up in Cottage City having a troubled childhood and dysfunctional family.

In 1949, Robbie Doe's parents began noticing strange occurrences. They would constantly hear scratching in the walls and on the ceiling. Dismissing it as being just mice, they contacted an exterminator but he found none. Instead, he made things worse. Things started to move around on their own and sounds of people walking down the hallway could be heard.

The most frightening occurrences happened to Robbie Doe. His bed would shake violently. His sheets were torn and sometimes pulled off his bed. He was even pulled from the bed to the floor with them gripped in his hands. The strange events progressed to witnessed attacks on Robbie Doe.

The Jesuit priests who later went on to perform the exorcism documented many of the early events in a diary. The diary was created to help with future exorcisms. It contain details of the exorcism involving Robbie Doe.

Out of desperation, the boy's parents agreed to allow him to spend a night with Rev. Luther Schulze, a Lutheran minister. After spending time and praying with Robbie, he wasn't sure if the boy was haunted or the house. Mrs. Schulze slept in the guest room while Robbie and Rev. Schulze slept in the twin beds in the master bedroom. After ten minutes, Schulze started to hear Robbie's bed shaking as well as the same scratching noises. He quickly turned on the lights and saw his bed vibrating violently. His prayers caused it shake even more. Robbie was wide awake and completely still.

Schulze then asked the boy to sleep in the armchair. After sitting across the room, the chair began to move. It moved backwards and then jolted back and forth. Moments later, it slammed against the wall tipping over and depositing the unhurt boy to the floor. In a last attempt, Schulze made a small pallet on the floor and asked Robbie to sleep on it. As soon as the boy fell asleep, the blanket began to move. It slid across the room to right under the bed. After being startled awake, Schulze made the pallet again. The blanket slid under the other bed, Robbie's arms and legs were visible at all times and were taut with tension. The blanket never wrinkled at anytime!

Robbie Doe was hospitalized for medical and psychological evaluations. This during the time we allegedly exorcised. His mother decided to take him away from Maryland to St. Louis on vacation. She felt it would do him some good and the entity thought so too because the word "Louis" would unexplainably appear on the boys rib cage. Of course, after going to St. Louis, the weird occurrences didn't stop.

To Be continued...

*Taylor, Troy (2002). The St. Louis Exorcism Case: The story that became The Exorcist! Retrieved on August 29, 2005 from the Prairie Ghost website:


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