Ghost Hunting Kits

Beginner's Kit
The Beginner's Kit is for novice ghost hunters and hobbyists. This kit includes:

1 ELF Zone EMF Meter
1 Ghost Research 101 book
1 LED microlight red light flashlight

Price: $36.00 + S & H

Starter Kit
The Starter Kit is much like the Beginner's except it has two more pieces of equipment. This kit includes:

1 ELF Zone EMF Meter
1 Ghost Research 101 book
1 LED microlight red light flashlight
1 IR101 non contact infrared thermometer
1 PIR motion sensor

Price: $99.00 + S & H

Instant Equipment Kit
The Instant Equipment Kit is for the more advance ghost hunters. Add a camera and an audio recorder and you'll be all set. This kit includes:

1 Cell Sensor EMF Meter
1 Electrosensor EMF meter
1 Sony EMC-F8 Omnidirectional Microphone
1 LED microlight red light flashlight
1 Pocket infrared non contact thermometer
1 PIR motion sensor

Price: $149.00 + S & H

To purchase one of these kits and/or other ghost hunting equipment, please visit The Shadowlands Ghost Hunting Store.


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