Your Chance to Win Ghost Hunters Merchandise

Ghost Stories Flash Fiction Contest

For over a year, I have posted tales of allegedly "true" ghostly tales. Now, it is your turn to tell me one. I am looking for the most believable "fake" ghost story you can write. The story that literally sends chills up my spine and makes me need a night light to sleep at night. Use the stories posted here and/or past Ghost Hunters' episodes to help inspire you.


FIRST PLACE: Winner receives Ghost Hunters Season one DVD & publication on Ghost Stories.
SECOND PLACE: Winner receives Ghost Hunters T-shirt & publication on Ghost Stories.
THIRD PLACE: Winner receives Ghost Hunters Keychain & publication on Ghost Stories.


  1. Stories must be 200 to 500 words long.
  2. Your story does not have to be set in a residence but if you choose to use a well-known haunted location, please do your homework first. I know your story is suppose to be fiction. However, if you are going to use a real place then you should know what and where spirits are claimed to be seen there.
  3. You story must be in first-person.
  4. All stories are to be rated PG-13 (no sexual content and little to no violence or profanity).
  5. Only one entry per person.
  6. No entry fee.
  7. All entries must be emailed to paranormal_stories2004 at with "Contest Submission" in the subject line.
  8. No attachments. Copy and paste your story in the body of the email along with the title and your name and word count in the upper right corner.
  9. Participants are limited to the U.S. only.
  10. Deadline is June 11th. Winners will be notified no later than June 13th or 14th.

Leave a comment if you have any questions. Good luck!!!

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