White Lady Road

The White Lady legend has stories sprinkled in various countries. They supposedly died or suffered trauma in life and are associated with losing or being betrayed by a husband or fiancé. They have white cloudy eyes with short white hair and milky white skin, each of her physical features are very distinguished. She often appears not to be fearful in nature, more like sad. One such variation of this legend is located on a road in Leroy, North Dakota.

Legend states on a stretch of road, now known as White Lady Road, a traveling salesman became attracted to a farmer's daughter. He took her for a walk on this remote road for a more intimate encounter. When they came to a bridge over a swampy area, he made his move. Her response to his gesture was anything but what he desired. Instead of walking away, he flew in to a rage and killed her.

Today, when people travel on White Lady Road, it is sometimes met with a surprise. During no specific time at night, witnesses have been known to come across a woman dressed in white standing in the road. Before they can react, she suddenly appears on their vehicle looking inside with red glowing eyes. The purpose of her actions has been tied to her searching for her murderer. Those who have encountered her drove at high speeds to rid themselves of her presence, but she is one of determination. This particular white lady will not leave you be until she is satisfied the man she is looking for is not in your car.

Of course, there are variations of this legend. Another version has the woman being forced in to a marriage with a man she doesn't love all because she became pregnant by him. When she returned home from the wedding to find her infant dead and faced with a lifetime married to someone she hated, the woman went to a nearby bridge and hung herself. Visitors have seen her hanging from that bridge still wearing the white dress she was married in.


Haunted USA


Strange USA


M Hazzan said…
There's similar 'legends' in the UK. I might post one here in a few weeks for everyone to read... very grim, very unpleasant! :)

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