Deep South Paranormal Reviewed

This review will be short and sweet. It took all of ten minutes to develop a complete viewer evaluation. To sum it up, Deep South Paranormal is Duck Dynasty meets paranormal investigation. I don't think I need to elaborate any further on the subject. 

As much as I am a proud Southerner, I was hoping from a new Southern paranormal show a little more science and logic and a little less "frog's breath wards off evil spirits". Maybe someday....


Tanta Opa said…
I so agree with you. The best part besides the ending is when Hart said, "Piss on the fire call the hounds in and lets get out of here." Funny because my Hubby use to say that after we were done coon hunting.
Regan Lee said…
I also reviewed it, and it too was short and sweet. Well, not so sweet I guess :) I found the show damn dismal and what was up with gators in a cage? I watched it for about 10 minutes, and I was gone.
Unknown said…
Thank you! Thank you! I am so glad that a fellow southerner is appalled by this!
Ramya Haider said…

I've never heard a place so scary; I thought that the person who told me was actually just fooling around and telling Most Haunted Stories. Until I met someone who encountered 'something' sinister there, or I would rather say naughty, judging by what 'it' did not very long ago.
Barry said…
I totally agree Andrea

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