Happy Blogiversary!

In 2004, I didn't expect a simple interest in researching the paranormal would turn in to a 9 year project. It started with the Bunnyman. Then, expanded with stories from across the world. Although my writing has taken my time away from here more than I like, I hope to continue this for as long as possible. 

A special thanks goes out to all of you. Without your support and spooky stories, Ghost Stories would have closed up shop a long time ago. You all are the best!!!


Anonymous said…
Its a plesure and i just love your stories
Courtney Mroch said…
Happy Anniversary, Alison!!!! I have been writing more than blogging myself these days too. That's also taken away from my blog reading time entirely. I have always loved your blog though. One of the best out there, IMO. I do miss it and wish there was more time in a day to keep up with everything but...Life sure doesn't work that way does it? Glad you're still going strong though. Sending big congrats to you!

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