Reader Submission - "The Anguished Man" UPDATE

Last year, Sean Robinson shared a story about a haunted painting called "The Anguished Man". Below is an update on paranormal activity surrounding the object. Thanks Sean!

I thought you might be interested in the latest Anguished Man news. I have recently temporarily moved in with my parents and obviously took the painting with me. It was only in the house for a few days when the noises started, the same noises I had previously experienced. Then on the third night my father fell down the stairs, the same as my son did at the other house. Thankfully he was unhurt but I have now moved the painting back into storage.

I have been working closely with John Blackburn and Ian Lawman for the Mysteria Paranormal group. Taking the painting to some of the allegedly most haunted locations in the UK, including 35 Stonegate at York and Chillingham Castle in Northumberland. It was on the evening of 18th May 2013 at Chillingham Castle that a group of people experienced events that were both terrifying and unexplainable. None of the guests were prepared for what was about happen in the early hours of Sunday Morning.

The room went icy cold, a large dark figure appeared in the middle of the séance circle and a large wooden bench banged on the floor of its own accord in response to John Blackburn’s questions to the painting, then suddenly the bench was flipped upside down violently by what was believed to be John Sage, one of Chillingham Castle’s resident powerful spirits, who we think was showing his anger to a foreign uninvited spirit to his castle. John Blackburn stated it was the strangest experience in all his years of investigation.


Gatekeeper said…
Any possibility of a video of this?

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