
Showing posts from September, 2015

Ghostly Thirteen

Ghostly Thirteen was inspired by the Thursday Thirteen meme. You list thirteen paranormal-related things, for example your top 13 posts (if you have a paranormal blog), mythical creatures, gods, haunted houses, etc... All is welcomed to participate by either leaving a comment or posting on your own blog. Theme is up to you as long as its paranormal related. My Theme ā€“ Most Viewed Posts 1. Chernobyl 2. The Legend of Lucy Keyes 3. Robert the Doll 4. Mandy the Doll 5. Kellie's Castle 6. Clinton Road 7. The Devil's Tree 8. Manly Quarantine Station 9. Island of Dead Dolls 10. Preston Castle 11. Aokigahara Suicide Forest 12. Carey Mansion 13. Windsor Hotel

Reader Submission - The Creeper

There is a true life story, about a little boy at the time called Richard. Richard was baker/acted into the Waverly Hills Sanatorium WHGC way back in 1967. The two doctors and three nurses that were present in the ECT room on August 20th 1967 9:32 am, all signed and swore it to be true. The Creeper actually manifested inside the ECT room, and shrouded the child from electrocution. They also say the child had entities all around him while in his stay. Richard was said to be one of the most powerful Clairsentient Empathetic children, to ever walk threw the Waverly Hills Sanatorium doors, and the same goes for the St Albans Sanatorium. My father and his friends have been collecting files, along with me and my team on this child for over 50 years now. All this broke in May 20th 2015 when one of the last living WHGC nurses was found alive in California. She had some how found this child in order to give him a case files she stole over 50 years ago out of the Wood Haven Geriatrics Center...