About This Blog

The Tale Behind Ghost Stories

About seven years ago, I had moved to Oklahoma from Texas and introduced to the wonderful world of satellite TV. I was also introduced to world of the paranormal. My love for the horror genre was still in semi-shallow waters. Therfore, making me aware of things like ghosts and monsters but not so much of the subjects association with reality. That's when Halloween came along. Hours of learning about haunted locations, UFOs, Bigfoot, etc. had me hooked. I wanted to know more.

Various experts encourage new writers  to keep notebooks or journals to jot down ideas, research notes, and such. I took it a step further and created a blog on AOL Journals to share my research in to the paranormal. Thus, Ghost Stories was born.

I don't advertise myself as a person with a stack of paranormal experiences because I'm not. I'm a writer with about seven years worth of knowledge on the subject.

To learn more about me and my published work, you can check out my website at http://www.freewebs.com/andreaallison.Thank you for visiting Ghost Stories. I hope you come back again.

Contact me: paranormal_stories2004@yahoo.com
Facebook page: Ghost Stories the Blog

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