Paranormal State

If you frequent the A&E channel, you've probably seen the promos for this show. It seems they have decided to toss their name in to the paranormal hat with their own show entitled Paranormal State.

From what I gather this one will be much like Ghost Hunters and Most Haunted except the home base is at Penn State University. The Paranormal Research Society club was founded by Ryan Buell in September of 2001 and consists of four other members: Katrina - Interviewer, Heather - Team Documentarian, Sergey - Tech Specialist, and Elfie - Occult Specialist.

Here's my questions. This is a show about college kids in a paranormal club. What's going to happen when they graduate? I'm assuming it's going to be handed over to a new group of students. Or perhaps Mr. Buell will keep getting new degrees until the show goes off the air. He already has one and is now going for another. Of course, he may not have to worry about that seeing as he was made a producer of the show. However, I do want to warn you. Since it is set in a college, I'm sure they will probably be talking about their personal lives a lot too. I know I've read a lot of comments regarding TAPS talking about non-paranormal related subjects on Ghost Hunters. If you don't like it on GH then you'll probably won't like this show either.

I may be jumping ahead of myself on my predictions. The show may turn out to be a dud. December 10th 9pm Central is when we will find out.

To learn more about the show and the team check out their websites: Paranormal State and Penn State Paranormal Research Society.


Anonymous said…
The personal touch is one of the things that makes GH interesting to me. However, it feels natural to a degree and not created solely to enhance and/or create interest in the show.

This may be interesting, but I have to say that I don't hold out much hope.

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