Ghost Hunters Night

Jason, Grant, Steve, Tango and Kris returned to St. Augustine Lighthouse in an all new episode of Ghost Hunters. If you remember from the last time they were there, most of the evidence they got was video. This time it was audio most of which was captured in the keeper's house. They also captured a couple things on the thermal imagining camera. Jason and Grant were I believe in the basement of the Keeper's house. This is where the "man in blue" is often seen. On the thermal cam you can see like the outline of a person. The other thermal clip was from the lighthouse. They had a thermal cam sitting at the very bottom of the lighthouse pointing up. Kris, Jason and Grant were in there at the time seeing shadows and on the thermal footage, you see something move from one side of the lighthouse to the other. It looked like it leaped across the opening. It's really cool.

I wanted to add a clip of the evidence but the only one I can find on Youtube has the "reveal" broken up into two different clips. So, I'm just going to provide the links and you can check it out for yourself: clip 1 and clip 2. New episodes of Ghost Hunters and Destination Truth will begin in March.

The premiere of Ghost Hunters International was also on Wednesday. TAPS members Brian, Andy and Donna along with Robb Demarest, Shannon Sylvia and Barry Fitzgerald made up the new group. Robb is the lead investigator. Brian got his old job back as tech manager. I'm sure he was happy about that. I just hope he doesn't screw it up like he did last time. I never was a big fan of Brian and Andy. It seems everyone thinks Barry is annoying. Maybe it's the way he investigates. Andy is the one that annoys me. Just something about the way he operates, I just don't care for.

In their very first episode, they investigated Chillingham Castle and Mary King's Close. The format of this show is very much like Ghost Hunters. So, basically, it's the same thing with different people and on different continents. Chillingham was a pretty good investigation. They caught a couple of evps and had some personal experiences. There was this one part where Donna and Barry were investigating together and they saw something, a shadow I guess. They took off running. I thought at first they were running away from it, but instead they were chasing it. Barry kind of came off as a wimp in previous episodes of Ghost Hunters which is why I thought he was running away from it. I have to say in this episode he didn't seem like a wimp.

The only thing I didn't like about the Chillingham investigation was the reveal. With audio, you want to let someone form their own opinion of what they are hearing. On a couple of the evps, Robb was telling the guy what they thought it was saying. In this case, the unknown voices were only saying names. So, it wasn't that big of a deal.

Their next stop was Mary King's Close in Scotland. In the 17th Century it was a busy thoroughfare and street of pubs, shops and residences. This place was hit hard by the Bubonic Plague and later, tops of buildings were knocked over, making room for new buildings. Some lower sections were used as foundations. I think the best part of this investigation was when Donna and Shannon were in the Chesney House. A piece of foam fell over and scared the hell out of them. LOL It was hilarious. I don't think a ghost knocked it over. I think it just fell on its own. Not very professional, but funny nonetheless.

There was another place in the Close called Annie's room. It was named after the little girl suffering from Bubonic plague who was locked in it. Now it is believed she haunts it. People who visit the Close leave toys and even money for her. Barry decided he was going to provoke her by taking a couple of her toys away and threaten to burn them. They starting getting high readings on the ion meter but I think that's all that happened. I don't think they got much of anything in regards of evidence besides a shadow in a picture which could have been anything.

I don't know if GHI is going to be as successful as GH. It's okay but not the greatest.


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