Bridge Cafe

The cafe proper, bar/restaurant, sits on the first floor of the three-floor wooden frame building and is one of the oldest food and drinking establishments in New York. The Bridge Cafe was named for its location, under the Brooklyn Bridge. The building was erected in 1794. It began as a porter house in 1847 before turning in to a tavern. In the 19th Century, like many places on the same street, the third story housed a brothel. Today, the rooms are used for storage. A former owner was a mariner and once attracted river pirates.

It’s most famous employee and ghost is that of Gallus Mag. She worked as a bouncer in tavern. An Englishwoman standing at more than six feet tall, she had no problem tossing out rowdy drunks from the establishment. She was known for dragging them by the ear with her teeth and on occasion, depending on her mood, would bite off the ear, saving them in a jar. Mike Tyson would be proud.

Activity known for this cafe are moving shadows, footsteps from an above floor, feelings of being watched, and the smell of perfume or lavender from an unknown source. Recent investigations have turned up little to no conclusive evidence. A lot of experiences were explained away by outside interference. Could the Bridge Cafe truly be haunted? Or does it owe its haunted status to the buildings location?


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