1st Annual Central Texas Paranormal Conference

Don't miss out on the 1st Annual Central Texas Paranormal Conference, presented by Texas Paranormal Events.

Speakers, Vendors, Raffle & Door Prizes!!
October 8th – October 9th, 2011 at the Norris Conference Center on Anderson Lane.

Speakers Include:

Dustin Pari from the Syfy channel's, “Ghost Hunters International

The Klinge Brothers, Brad and Barry, from Everyday Paranormal and the Discovery Channel show, “GHOST LAB

Jeff Belanger, creator of www.ghostvillage.com and writer for Travel channel’s show, “Ghost Adventures

Fiona Broome, creator of www.hollowhill.com and renowned paranormal researcher

Dash Beardsley, "The Ghost Man of Galveston," creator and founder of, "Ghost Tours Of Galveston"

Jeanine Plumer, founder of www.HauntedTexas.com and “Ghost Tours of Austin

Space is limited, buy your tickets online to SAVE $15!! Online ticket holders automatically get entered into a SPECIAL PRIZE DRAWING!

The CTPARACON is also looking for vendors and sponsors. Check out the website for details.


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