Sneak Peek Tuesday - Ghost Hunters/Fact or Faked
In the Ghost Hunters sneak peek, Amy and Adam are investigating the dungeon room of the Morse Mill Hotel, where it is claimed that slaves were chained to the walls. While Amy is trying to figure out the best position to be in the room, Adam feels something touch his elbow but he couldn’t find anything around him that could account for the touch. After an EVP session, they move to another part of the basement to try and engage the ghosts. While standing around and waiting for a sign, Amy feels something touch her elbow, the same side elbow as Adam. Tune in to Ghost Hunters this Wednesday, November 30th at 9/8c to see if they can find answers to what may have touched both members of the team. In this week’s Fact or Faked sneak peek, Ben, Jael, and Austin are investigating some footage that was shot from inside a cage showing what appears to be a flying witch disappearing outside of the cave. Austin believes that it could have been someone doing parkour(a method of movement focused o...