
Showing posts from November, 2011

Sneak Peek Tuesday - Ghost Hunters/Fact or Faked

In the Ghost Hunters sneak peek, Amy and Adam are investigating the dungeon room of the Morse Mill Hotel, where it is claimed that slaves were chained to the walls. While Amy is trying to figure out the best position to be in the room, Adam feels something touch his elbow but he couldn’t find anything around him that could account for the touch. After an EVP session, they move to another part of the basement to try and engage the ghosts. While standing around and waiting for a sign, Amy feels something touch her elbow, the same side elbow as Adam. Tune in to Ghost Hunters this Wednesday, November 30th at 9/8c to see if they can find answers to what may have touched both members of the team. In this week’s Fact or Faked sneak peek, Ben, Jael, and Austin are investigating some footage that was shot from inside a cage showing what appears to be a flying witch disappearing outside of the cave. Austin believes that it could have been someone doing parkour(a method of movement focused o...

GS Question of the Week

How many people committed suicide at Masada in Israel?

Jim Harold’s Campfire: True Ghost Stories Review

New Page Books, September 15, 2011 Paperback, 256 pages ISBN: 978-1601631947 Ordering Information: , Barnes & Noble A familiar scenario for ghost stories is a group of people surrounding a campfire. The sun bows down to the moon to create the atmosphere for all that is scary. Jim Harold took stories of ghosts, monsters, and death and turned them in to a nice collection for an outdoor night of spooky fun. Jim Harold is behind three of the top paranormal podcasts entitled The Paranormal Podcast, Jim Harold’s Campfire and The Paranormal Report. Many listeners graced his shows with their personal accounts. Jim Harold’s Campfire was turned in to Jim Harold’s Campfire: True Ghost Stories . Writers have a way of embellishing the paranormal to truly paint a portrait of fear. Sometimes when nothing stands between real people and the ghosts they encountered a reader can feel what they felt. See what they saw. Harold stripped away everything and gave us the paranormal reality. Jim ...

Foster House Restaurant

In 1887, Henry Foster built a cozy home for his wife, Mamie, and seven children in Cumming, Georgia. He was the owner of a general store located on the downtown square. He even served his city as a sheriff for several years. Henry Foster remained in his home until his death in 1901. I am unsure as to what became of the house after his death. However, Amanda and Jeff Davis took on the task of restoring the former residence in 2003, converting it in to a restaurant. While many stop by for a good meal and the ambiance, some have had the opportunity to witness the unusual. A couple who stopped by to help the Davises paint saw a male in overalls and a female in a dress dart in to a nearby wall, appearing on the other side. Others have smelled pipe smoke and heard the sweet lullaby of a music box along with various other noises. Jeff Davis even walked in to a room to find a broom standing on its own, absent of any support. Perhaps the Fosters loved their home so dearly they decided to ...

Sneak Peek Tuesday: Ghost Hunters/Fact or Faked

This week in an all-new Ghost Hunters, Steve and Tango return to the second floor of a Bourbon distillery warehouse after Adam and Amy had noticed suspicious activity. As the team continues to investigate, they hear loud and deliberate footsteps after asking spirits to make themselves known. As they continue forward, they feel a lot of movement and Steven quickly states he saw something black amongst the shadows. Then suddenly both are attacked and are brought down to the ground. Be sure to watch the clip and tune in at 9/8c on Wednesday to see if a Kentucky boss is managing his bourbon empire from the other side. In Fact or Faked, we see Ben and Lanisha head into an Old West style building where while on the second floor, Ben thinks he hears floorboards creaking from the floor below. Moments after, Devin asks the team to check out Sadie’s room to see if the light they placed inside the room had been moved as it is now gone missing. Ben and Lanisha approached the completely torn apa...

GS Question of the Week

In what country is Salzburg Castle located?

Lydia's Bridge

Phantom hitchhiker stories are not uncommon. Most entail someone driving on a road or highway when they come upon a person walking along side, flagging them down for a ride. A kind person might stop to lend a helping hand only to discover the hitchhiker has disappeared. The story of Lydia is no different. The legend begins in late December 1923 (the 23rd or 31st depending on who you talk to). Lydia was leaving a dance in Raleigh, North Carolina, some say with her date, on her way home. It was raining and she lost control of the car and hit the Southern Railroad Underpass Bridge. In one version, her date died instantly while Lydia attempted to get help and succumbed to her injuries on the side of the road. The other has her dying instantly in the car accident. Is there any truth to the story? It seems there might be. Back in the 1920s, car accidents weren’t an everyday occurrence as they are today. So, you would think finding records of a girl dying in such a manner would be easy to...

Sneak Peek Tuesday - Ghost Hunters/Fact or Faked/Being Human

This week in an all-new Ghost Hunters, Amy and Adam enter a nurses’ wing where there’s been reports of doors slamming and they start to hear knocking. They tip-toe down the hallway and hear it right behind them. Amy quickly says, “Do that again if you’re doing it on purpose.” Seconds later the knocking sounds again! Be sure to watch the clip and tune in at 9/8c on Wednesday to see if the knocking turns into an encounter of the lurking spirit. In Fact or Faked, the team enters an abandoned building and starts to let a potential ghost named Timmy know that they’re there while and takes pictures. They tell the spirit to move a ball to let them know that the spirit is there and suddenly the ball starts to eerily move slowly across the floor in multiple directions. They leave the ball there in hopes to find more action. Be sure to tune in on Wednesday at 10/9c on Syfy to see if they’re able to find the same amount of activity in other parts of the building! Josh is still dealing with ke...

Teller House

Teller House was built in 1871-72 for brothers Henry and Willard Teller and was known as one of the finest hotels west of the Mississippi River. At the time, Central City, Colorado was one of the world’s largest suppliers of gold due to the local gold mines. The hotel has seen its share of famous visitors including a U.S. president. In 1873, President Ulysses S. Grant made a trip to Central City to visit with his friend Henry and see his new hotel. To impress the president, mine owners decided to lay solid silver bricks to make a path directly to the entrance of the Teller House. The purpose of this gesture was so President Grant wouldn’t have to dirty his boots upon stepping from his carriage. At the time of his visit, Congress was debating on whether gold or silver should back the dollar. Story goes, upon seeing the silver bars, the president became angry and decided to use the boardwalk instead in order not to show favoritism. The Teller House is most known for an oil painting. ...

Sneak Peek Tuesday: Ghost Hunters/Fact or Faked

This week in an all-new Ghost Hunters, the title of the episode alone should give you chills, but the team has plenty up ahead in this thrilling episode. They investigate a prison that doesn’t have claims of being haunted, but they thought it would be a great location to do an EVP reading. As they sit side by side in electric chairs, they try to recount what the victims must have been thinking as they took their last breath. Be sure to watch the clip and tune in at 9/8c on Wednesday to see if they can put themselves of the right mind where they only have a few minutes left to live, just like the 39 that encountered those chairs. In Fact or Faked, the team is looking to create a bug swarm with massive flood lights shining bright. They have tons of different kinds of bugs to replicate footage they received. Be sure to tune in on Wednesday at 10/9c on Syfy to see if they can get the insects to cooperate and make their own footage as similar as possible!