Happy New Years!

New Year Celebrations
T'was the day before New Years with only minutes to go.
Everyone was waiting for the new year to show.
There were party hats, noise makers, and lots of champaign.
Good food and good music no one could complain.
When suddenly the ball began to drop.
Everyone in the room came to a stop.
When the ball reached the bottom the crowd began to roar.
And confetti dropped from ceiling to floor.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year was all you could hear.
2006 was finally here.
Here's hoping your new year will be festive and live.
And may the fun continue until 2006.
Poem and Graphics Provided By: funmunch.com


Sury said…
Wishing a great 2006 for you, South. I hope this year brings a whole lot of cheer for you :)

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