Myrtles Plantation

The Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville, Louisiana has had a very interesting history. It has been long known as one of the most haunted houses in America. It was built in 1794 by David Bradford, a successful attorney. After fleeing Washington due to the Whiskey Rebellion, Bradford relocated to Bayou Sarah where he lived in a 8-bedroom house known as "Laurel Grove". Only until after he received his pardon from President Adams did he move his wife and kids in with him.

On November 19, 1817, Judge Woodrooff married Bradford's daughter Sarah Mathilda and they had three kids. After Bradford died, Clark took over the duties of "Laurel Grove" for his mother-in-law, Elizabeth. Six years later, Sarah Mathilda died from contracting yellow fever as well would two of his three children.

There have been stories of numerous murders that occurred at Myrtles Plantation but actually there was only one. The ghost that appears most often is that of Chloe, a slave woman. During the time when Clark Woodrooff and Sarah lived in the house, Chloe was one of the servants there. While Clark was known as a good lawyer, he was also known for being promiscuous. While Sarah was pregnant with their third child, Clark began having an intimate relationship with Chloe but soon grew tired of her and moved on to someone else. Chloe feared that she would be sent to the fields and began to eavesdrop on the families private conversations. Woodrooff caught her and cut off one of her ears to teach her a lesson.

Now no one knows for sure what the motives were behind her next action. Some say it was to get gratitude from Woodrooff and not be sent to the fields. Others say it was strictly out of revenge. But one day Chloe put a tiny bit of poison into a birthday cake meant for Woodrooff's oldest daughter. Sarah and her two kids all ate a slice and later on that day, became very sick. Chloe tended to their needs but before the day was over, all three were dead. Other slaves, afraid for their own lives, dragged Chloe to a nearby tree and hung her. A few days later, she was cut down, weighed down by rocks and thrown into the river. Since that day, the dinning room has never been used for eating meals.


Unknown said…
this contradicts could Sarah and the two older daughters die of yellow fever if Cloe killed them with the cake...even the myrtles ( and I have been there twise) bounces the story. I am confused, as I stayed in Kate Winter's room on one stay, and she is the one that died of yellow fever...totally confused on the plantations history.
Anonymous said…
check every website about myrtles and they will tell you all the same things i have done alot of research on the place and everyone says something about chloe but most say she never existed. its just a story sarah and a daughter and her son died of yellow fever and clark and the daughter moved and sold house to someone else
Anonymous said…
Sarah didnt die from the cake. I suggest you take the "ghost tour". They go into detail about what happened. I have taken the tour and done research also, so you are getting your facts mixed up. And there were at least TWO murders. One of the men who lived there was shot and died on the steps leading to his bedroom.
yahoo said…
my husband and i went to the myrtles for our eight anniversary and i had an experience i will never forget we stayed in the room they called the voodoo room i went to sleep and all of a sudden i felt someone shake my shoulder i thought it was my husband when i looked over at him he was sound asleep needless to say i woke him up with a scream
Anonymous said…
I've stayed there, and have also found conflicting stories between lore and fact, so I'm still unclear of actual documented history. One thing I AM certain of is that all that I have experienced there precedes its reputation for merely being 'haunted'. The things seen, heard, and felt, were unimagined by my husband and myself. I would not suggest anyone to venture there with the expectation of happenings; nor would I try to convince anyone to believe in such things, as it is a matter of personal beliefs and experience. What I would suggest is that an open mind and heart (as well as those of caution)are critical in any unknown journey. Good and safe journey to all.
Anonymous said…
While there is a LOT of conflicting information regards Myrtle Plantation, there are some things to keep in mind.
The main issue is the fact, that any activity leading up to modern times begins in the 18th Century & not truly written down for historical records.
If the husband was attempting to 'cover up' the deaths of his wife & children, the Yellow Fever would have been par for the course.
Being known for his 'extra curricula' activities, was something that was not easy to hid if you are blatant about it. But having it discovered that you have a servant accused of attempted murder who also carries a possible vendetta is not something you want getting out since it can ruin your 'status' & earn you scorn for not taking action. People simply will not 'trust' your actions or opions very highly & he was a Judge.

The other side being is that IF Chloe was quilty, her peers would have taken action against her out of fear. It was not uncommon for a Master to punish all the slaves simply due to the actions of one.
Sadly lack of proper documents, leaves the entire thing up to people coming up with what they believe is a plausable scenerio.

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