Hill View Manor

Hill View Manor in New Castle, Pennsylvania has acquired quite a bit of a reputation especially after being featured on Ghost Adventures, Ghost Hunters and Ghost Lab among other notable people in the paranormal field.

Its story began in 1925 as the Lawrence County Poor farm built by Architect A. L. Thayer to be a working farm unlike any of its kind, housing the county’s homeless and indigents. The building was equipped with a kitchen, hospital, laundry, separate living quarters for men and women, a cemetery, bomb shelter and an extra wing for employees and officers. It officially opened the doors to those in need in 1926.

A few decades later in the 1970s, a skilled care wing was added along with a new name, Hill View Manor, turning it in to a nursing facility. Unfortunately, the home faced financial strain and was forced to close in February 2004. While the building appears to be empty, minus a few things including medical equipment left behind, some people believe former residents still call Hill View Manor home.

Its possible haunted status is possibly linked to numerous natural deaths and suicides that took place on the property over the years. A couple of people jumped to their deaths from the roof. At least one person killed themselves by hanging. The majority of those who died had no records, which accounts for the large number unmarked graves in Hill View’s cemetery.

Reported activity includes voices, footsteps, touched, doors slam, things move on their own and various apparitions. There is a story of a little boy dubbed “Jeffrey” who appeared to be about 6 or 7 years of age. If you laid eyes on this boy, you would die soon after. Shadows are seen throughout the building, sometimes peeking out of rooms. Room 105 is believed to be the home of a former patient named Mary Virginia. The spirit of an old man supposedly haunts the boiler room. He’s known for slamming doors and demanding people to get out of his space.

If you wish to investigate Hill View Manor for yourself, you have to go through the proper channels (check out http://www.hauntedhillview.com for more information). Trespassers will be arrested and prosecuted.


Anonymous said…
I live next to this place, less than 300 yards. I walk my dog there at night. No one talks about the unmarked graves in the back. if you walk over them, you can hearing moaning that is describle. My dog; which I assume is keen to senses pulls me by the leash to go home. It is more than eerie, after a couple months after moving in, I WILL NOT go back.
Anonymous said…
I don't believe in this stuff
Anonymous said…
my aunt ivy died thereshe use to play the piano everyday after supper the paranormal people said that people hear a piano playing there it might be my great aunt ivy
Anonymous said…
This stuff is real.
Anonymous said…
my great great great granmda is Amanda, she is the 104 yr old woman that fell down the stairs and died. the names she mentioned during the evp were her husband phil and son joe... she died because her door was left open one night and she was blind so she fell down the stairs.
Anonymous said…
My dad died in 2013 I have his ashes but I don't know still around but I could hear footsteps through . I don't know he
around. I need help from Ghost Adventures

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