Sneak Peek Tuesday - GHI/Ghost Adventures

In the all-new Ghost Hunters International sneak peek, Joe and Scott investigate the kitchen of an old Villa when Scott exits frantically from the laundry room claiming he saw an apparition dressed in white. Joe rushes over to examine the room and communicates to rest of the team through radio about the incident and Barry advises them to continue to investigate. Tune in Wednesday, March 28th @ 9/8c on Syfy to see if they can catch anything on camera.

Zak, Nick & Aaron return to Nevada City to investigate The National Hotel. While learning about the National Hotel, the guys hear that the town's underground tunnels and caves have a great deal of paranormal activity as well. These shafts are the final resting place for many Chinese workers, who died inside these caves during the times of the Gold Rush. Tune in Friday, March 30th to see what they find.


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