Mountain Monsters a Hit??

Graphic by Destination America

Has Destination America found its hit paranormal series with Mountain Monsters? An order for a second season says possibly.

A group of hardcore hunters and trappers called The Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings (AIMS) based out of West Virginia use their expertise in attempt to catch elusive supernatural beasts. Will they be successful where others have failed? Unlikely, but viewers will tune in to watch them try.

When I first switched Mountain Monsters on, m initial reaction was "Oh, no. Not another Deep South Paranormal disaster". I was surprised to find it wasn't a total waste of time. They talk to witnesses, view evidence, use a combination of cameras, homemade traps and years of hunting/trapping knowledge to track their supernatural prey.

White it's not completely terrible, Mountain Monsters isn't going to revolutionize the paranormal world. Allegations of fabrications have already began to make the rounds. Why do people continue to expect 100% reality from reality TV? Fake or not, Mountain Monsters will likely generate a decent amount of viewers until they lose interest in the team coming up empty-handed every episode.


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Personally I think Mountain Monsters a Hit??

Ghost Picture of Pink Lady in Greencastle

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