Ghost Stories Forum

I wrote about setting up a forum for this blog and apparently, I put the wrong url for it in the post. So, this is the correct web address to view the group and/or sign up. This will also double as a monthly mailing list. New members have to be approved by me. So, if you are signing up for the mailing list, please indicate that.

Unfortunately, I don't have the time to post on a daily basis. Considering that, I've decided to declare Saturdays Guest Post Day here. If you would like to be a guest poster, email me at with your idea(s) and links to any websites or blogs you own or contribute to. If you have several, I don't need links to them all (unless you are picked to be a guest poster and choose to list them in your bio), but one or two are the minimum.

One last thing. The next edition of Ghostly Thirteen will be on Tuesday. I know there are many popular memes going around including Thursday Thirteen which this inspired from. Since I search blogs via BlogMad on regular basis, I don't believe seeing one on Tuesday (I could be wrong about this). So, I figure it would be a good day to do it on.

UPDATE: The forum has been closed.


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