Top 13 Haunted Houses

I was browsing the AOL CityGuide and discovered their Top 13 Haunted Houses across the nation:

1. Nightmare in New York : This horror's creators polled thousands of local residents to list their top 13 fears, and then designed five haunted house based on those responses.

2. Netherworld in Atlanta : This place consistently changes themes every year. All the great acting and special effects set aside, Halloween veterans shower this house with praise.

3. Queen Mary's Shipwreck in Los Angeles : If boats make you queasy without ghouls, then this might not be the fright for you. Bravely enter the Haunted Hull of Horrors or the Decks of the Dead. If you survive, be sure and stop by the nightly dance party.

4. Fright Dome in Las Vegas : Michael Jackson has visited in previous years. Aside from that? You'll find 20 rides that'll make it worth every penny. Be sure to pay the all-new Zombie Mansion a friendly visit. Take it from Micheal this one's guaranteed to be a thriller.

5. Terror Behind the Walls in Philadelphia : Exploiting Eastern State Penitentiary's innate atmosphere foreboding (and its legacy of hauntings). Terror Behind the Walls invites the intrepid to experience "11 acres of terror." Pretty soon, you'll be contemplating a prison break.

6. The Darkness in St. Louis : You might get grabbed by one of the many mummies that will be crawling out of the crypts -- maybe even be sacrificed by a zombie priest. Just when you think the terror is over, you'll find the only way out is through the haunted house.

7. Thrillvania in Terrell, Texas : It's not just a haunted house -- but a macabre theme park. two attractions include Haunted Verdun Manor (occupied by a werewolf) and Cassandra's Labryinth of Terror (hosted by a lady, who's perpetually grouchy over her lost head).

8. Pirates of Emerson in Fremont, California : What began as a backyard operation has grown into a three-acre extravaganza that requires a crew of 75 to build. Hold on to your beloved lad or lass, or you may loss them to one of the many wicked buccaneers.

9. Markoff's Haunted Forest in Dickerson, Maryland : As if isolated woods weren't scary enough, the staff concocts creepy encounters along the way. Expect chainsaw-wielding wild men and witches in enough fake blood to flood a city.

10. The Beast in Kansas City, Missouri : Forget about lines here. The Beast is set up so you can wander from one horror to the next as you choose. Once you find your way out of Werewolf Forest, you can exit by riding a four-story slide.

11. Headless Horseman Haunted House in Ulster Park in New York : You'll find three haunted houses and a spooky hayride and 100 ghastly folks who are waiting to scare you out of your wits. One seems to be missing his noggin.

12. Brown Palace in Denver : This hotel was founded in 1892 and has never closed for a single day. Many guests have checked in over that long time span, but there are also a few ghostly guests who have yet to check out.

13. Scream at the Beach in Portland, Oregon : Prepare to be creeped out. Whether you see one of the freaky medical experiments gone wrong at the Hayden Institute for the Criminally Insane. Or you might accidentally stumble upon where the mirthful pirates are hiding.


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