Scooter McGavin's 9th Green

The position of my new renter has been filled by Scooter McGavin from Scooter McGavin's 9th Green. If you want the latest news about TV, music, politics and sports, check out his site.

Yesterday's post dealt with the Winter TV Schedule. I hate that some of my favorite programs, among others, have decided to split the season up. I'd rather see it in it's entirety rather than watch half of it followed by on going re-runs then the rest of it months later. Some winter programs have their good points. The 3rd season of Beauty and the Geek. I love the concept of this show but I sort of wish they would a switch, you know guys as the "beauties" and the girls as geeks. I wonder how that would work out.

Next on the post train is Hip Hop music and why it may be dead. I've never been a huge fan of hip hop, some songs I like while others I don't. So, I'm not the authoritative figure on why it is dead or not. Scooter's post goes more into detail about the situation better than I could explain it.

Scooter also has a poll you can vote in. You email him your top ten favorite songs of the year. So many to choose from. I don't know if I could narrow it to just ten. We'll see.

Take some time to see what else Scooter has to say about the above and so on. Tell him I sent ya!


Anonymous said…
Here's another good article about scooters: You are welcome.

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