Flying Dreams

Dreams are a way for your mind to continue to work through your real life problems by tapping into your innate creativity and problem solving skills. Flying dreams are common and are often associated with ambition, personal empowerment and breaking free from limitations. The more creative you are, the more likely you are to have frequent flying dreams. I'm a pretty creative person and I don't remember having many flying dreams though I don't remember a lot of the dreams I do have.

Flying dreams can be interpreted in a number of ways. In general they can be seen as representing your spirit rising high, free from limitations or boundaries. A dream in which you can fly suggests that your mind is reaching for new heights, searching for and exploring possibilities that lie beyond the reality of your everyday life. The flying dream often happens when there is an opportunity for advancement in your life and may indicate optimism about your future.

In order to understand the meaning of a flying dream you must asses its basic components such as how high you flew and whether the flight was easy or turbulent. Examine your dream from every angle to uncover your deepest ambitions and goals.

Below are explanations of some components you may see in your flying dreams:

Flying Free
Flying free means that you will achieve your ambitions easily. Only modest efforts are required to steer you to success. The area you are flying over can give you further clues - for example, flying over your home indicates domestic success, flying over your place of work suggests career success and so on.

Sprouting Wings
To sprout wings in a dream confers upon you the qualities of a visionary pioneer. The wings refer to the ethics and principles of a higher order than that of human law. To dream of having birds' wings means that you will have the gift of foresight and may be able to fly into the future. Angelic wings suggest that you will soon hear news from an unexpected higher authority.

Floating/Flying at low altitude
If you successfully managed to float/fly by flapping your arms of peddling your feet in the air, success is indicated through dogged but determined effort. The message here is to keep going and to stick to your guns. If there has been a bout of exhaustion or sickness, this dream promises relief from these problems.

Trying to take off and failing
This dream indicates that the spirit is frustrated, bogged down with the mundane aspects of life and unable to find a way forward. Trying to take off and failing to do so implies that an ambition may be beyond your reach. The dreamer would benefit from re-evaluating their goals.

Losing Altitude
Flying successfully for a while, then losing control and drifting or falling back toward the earth, suggests that the ambition is waning or that the dreamer should become less of a high flyer. To experience erratic flying implies either fear of the heights of success or ambivalence toward their ambitions.

Flying aided
Flying an airplane at high altitude means you can expect recognition for the work you have done. Soaring in a glider implies that you will be supported in your endeavors through team effort. To fly on the back of a mythical creature such as Pegasus, the winged horse, suggests an armchair adventure.

Flying toward the light
This is a very rare and unusual dream that refers to experiences that have been lost. It relates to reconnecting with an aspect of your past. Flying through a bright light toward someone who has died implies a nostalgic journey and that it is time to let go of the memories.

Becoming hampered in flight
Generally speaking, this relates to setbacks or postponement of your aspirations or a lack of confidence in your ability to reach goals. The conditions can give you clues as to the nature of the setbacks; strong winds, for example, suggest communication problems.

Source: Enhancing Your Mind Body Spirit


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