Ghost Stories Carnival

The deadline has been set for the very first edition of the Ghost Stories Carnival. A blog carnival is compiled list of links much like this month's Ghostly Thirteen. Here are the rules:
  • Your submissions must be paranormal related. There may be themed editions in the future but as of now anything paranormal goes.
  • Each edition will be published the first Tuesday of the month. Deadlines are set for 11:00 pm Central time the night before. You must submit your URL before the deadline. If it is submitted after, it will not be included. Check the left sidebar for information on upcoming editions.
  • Keep it clean and respectful. You can express yourself without tons of swear words. There's also no need for attacking personal opinions. We are talking about the paranormal. Everyone may not agree with you on the subject and that's okay. Play nice.
  • Categories are: article, essay, fiction, picture, review, video clip, poem. If the posted photos aren't yours, give credit to their owners. Fiction and poetry are accepted but no graphic violence/language, sex and so on. You can submit your review of a book, TV show, documentary, etc.
  • One submission per edition.
  • Your submission must be something posted within the month period. Meaning during the time between the previous carnival and the next one.
  • I reserve the right not to publish your submission without giving a reason. If you have a problem with this, don't submit.
Have a question? Leave a comment or e-mail me at paranormal_stories2004 at yahoo dot com.


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