Thank You

I would like to share some good news with you all. Every quarter, BlogBurst, a RSS-based Blog Syndication Network site, rewards its members whose blogs are on their Top 100 Leaderboard per quarter. I was told today Ghost Stories was #11 on their list for the third quarter!

What this means is mine was the 11th highest in headline impressions. That is quite a bit exposure for Ghost Stories. Along with this ranking is a little cash reward. I started this blog for the exposure not the money. The purpose was to share in a subject I'm interested in as well as display my writing abilities. But I have to say it feels good to be paid for my hard work.

I know none of this would have been possible without you all. I thank you. Whether you are a loyal reader or first time visitor, thank you so much. I don't think there would've been a better way to celebrate five years of Ghost Stories.


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