Hudson House

There are several Hudson Houses located in the United States. However, little is known about the one located in Ashland, Alabama. It is believed the little old house situated in the middle of nowhere may have been built in the early 1900s, but records have not been found to prove this.

There is a story of the house being a brothel at one point in its history. Wayward politicians drive out to have a little x-rated fun. There is no evidence to support this. So, for now, I leave it to be a work of fiction. Could it have been the home of a singular family line? Generations called it home until it became vacant and boarded up? Possibly.

Because of the little known validated history and the numerous alleged accounts, this little house is on the paranormal radar. Some say if you walk around the house you can hear voices or screams and footsteps. Sometimes even a dog panting or growling. Face the front of the house and feel a tap on your shoulder by an unseen hand. The front door opens and closes on its own. If that wasn't enough to get you rattled, there is even a freakishly dark figure who enjoys running back and forth across the roof.

Is Hudson House haunted by multiple entities? Those who have visited it say it is. However, it is not recommended you go and find out for yourself as it sits on private property. Trespassing is NOT advisable.


Anonymous said…
If you mean the old abandoned home near Campbells Crossroads, then I know abut this house. It was built in 1905 by Charles & William K. Hudson for their brother John I. Hudson. Their father who was killed in the Civil War was the original land owner. I don't know how long they lived in the home but John I. Hudson died in 1966. To the best of family lore, nothing dramatic ever happened in the house. As you say, it is in the middle of nowhere (although at one time this was a mining community). So I don't know who lived in it after John moved out.
Unknown said…
I have lived about 3 miles from this house for most of my 35 years, my family has over 150 years in the area.... It is very soon to be torn down.
Pamela said…
John I. Hudson was my grandfather. My grandmother, Nonnie, had a daughter by a husband who was deceased and married John. They bore 4 daughters. Nonnie's first daughter fell off the back porch and died.

As a child, I spent many weekends there. There was no bathroom or running water. We had to use the outhouse in the daytime and the "bucket behind the curtain" in the winter. I remember cold winter grandmother would put a bed warmer from the fireplace under the mattress to keep us warm. The bobcats often screamed at night and I would run down the hall to where my parents were sleeping!

I still remember evenings when the adults would all sit in the kitchen and drink very strong coffee Heated on a wood stove. My grandmother rocked me in an older rocker with a flat bottom and I can still hear the thunk thunk of that chair and the smell of coffee!

My uncle bought the house and land after my grandparents were moved to a senior living facility. He has since passed away. He had 9 children, and I don't know how they handled it. I wish I could go back there before it is torn down. So many memories of playing with my cousins there!

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