Sneak Peek Tuesday - Ghost Hunters/Haven

The team is back at it, searching through haunted locations, trying to pick up some EMF frequency, and making contact with the paranormal. In the sneak peek, the team is investigating a house after the parents of a frightened girl have requested the Ghost Hunters to try and make contact with whatever or whomever is causing the disturbance. As they’re trying to make contact Steve sees the EMF rating make a substantial jump from 0.5 to 1.9 and holding. They’re reading the indicator that is close to them and they start to feel an energy moving, as the other two EMF readers further away from them are simply staying at the base reading. Be sure to watch the clip and tune in on Wednesday at 9/8c to see if they’re able to see what keeps appearing to the terrified girl that lives there.

Audrey and Nathan pick a lock to a house in search of Daniel. All the others they’ve searched have been unlocked, so why did they need to use a different tactic to get this particular one ajar? Once inside, with only flashlights for visibility, Audrey finds some photographs on the refrigerator that may be of some help. They hear what sounds like a leak, so they follow it to a room with an overflowing bath tub. Watch the clip and tune in this Friday at 10/9c on Syfy to see what lays inside!


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