Sneak Peek Tuesday - Ghost Hunters/Haven

The team is walking down a long dark hallway while the k2 meter keeps going off in spurts, but as they get closer to it, it starts going crazy. Amy becomes very weary of turning the corner to see what’s to her right. She builds her confidence and then calls Adam over after she thought something was standing in front of a window, but then it vanished. She sends Adam down to check it out to see how tall something would need to be to block the window. Be sure to watch the clip and tune in on Wednesday 9/8c to see if they’re able to see anything beyond the window.

Special guest star Cristian de la Fuente (Dancing With The Stars) plays a straight laced banker who leads a double life as a serial killer. He has to fight the urge within to wrestle with his own self perception while also looking to kill others. Watch the clip and tune in this Friday at 10/9c on Syfy to see which side of himself takes control, the banker, or the man pointing the gun!


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