
Showing posts from October, 2006

Happy Halloween!


Halloween Candy Poisonings

I guess Joanna at Paranormal Experience has been quite busy lately. I haven't seen the guest post I sent her up on her blog. Since Halloween is tomorrow, I feel this should be posted. If you are a parent, I'm sure you always check your kids Halloween candy after a night of trick-or-treating, right? A popular urban legend states that there are documented cases of children being poisoned after eating candy collected from a random house on Halloween. This one is actually false. It's not certain of the origins of this legend, but according to ( ), there have been only two cases where a child was poisoned with Halloween candy. The most famous was that of an eight-year-old boy in Houston named Timothy Mark O'Bryan who died on October 31, 1974. His father Ronald Clark O'Bryan poisoned him with a cyanide-laced Pixie Stix, claiming his son acquired it while trick-or-treating. To make it seem more random, he gave poiso...

GS Question of the Week

What do you think is the scariest place on Earth? My Answer: There are too many places on Earth to narrow it down to one. However, if I had to choose one, I guess it would have to be Waverly Hills. It seems to be one of the most popular ones.

Stay Tuned..

I'm not a big fan of this particular program, but Most Haunted Live begins tomorrow from 4pm to 7pm ET/PT in Edinburgh, Scotland for three nights. I watched this last year and I have to admit I didn't see anything that people were claiming to have seen on the webcams. Maybe you will. If you don't have any plans on Halloween, Ghost Hunters is having a 6 hour Live show on the Sci-Fi channel. They will be revisiting the infamous Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. Joining the TAPS team will be ECW's and ghost hunting novice, CM Punk. The live investigation will serve as the end of Sci-Fi's 13 Days of Halloween marathon. In addition to the live broadcast, viewers can interact with the 'Ghost Hunters' via polling, SMS messaging and SCIFI.COM, logging suggestions for rooms to investigate and screening an online video feed. One unprecedented interactive addition to the live telecast is the SCI FI.COM "panic button" which will enable viewers to email t...

Top 13 Haunted Houses

I was browsing the AOL CityGuide and discovered their Top 13 Haunted Houses across the nation: 1. Nightmare in New York : This horror's creators polled thousands of local residents to list their top 13 fears, and then designed five haunted house based on those responses. 2. Netherworld in Atlanta : This place consistently changes themes every year. All the great acting and special effects set aside, Halloween veterans shower this house with praise. 3. Queen Mary's Shipwreck in Los Angeles : If boats make you queasy without ghouls, then this might not be the fright for you. Bravely enter the Haunted Hull of Horrors or the Decks of the Dead. If you survive, be sure and stop by the nightly dance party. 4. Fright Dome in Las Vegas : Michael Jackson has visited in previous years. Aside from that? You'll find 20 rides that'll make it worth every penny. Be sure to pay the all-new Zombie Mansion a friendly visit. Take it from Micheal this one's guaranteed to be a thrill...

Odd News Part 2

London's Vampyre club seeks new recruits : "Vampyres are prowling for new recruits in London as Halloween approaches to partake in wild parties, trips to Transylvania and bat spotting nights -- but coffin-dwelling, blood drinkers need not apply. With a penchant for custom-made fangs, striking make-up and gothic clothes, members of the London Vampyre Group (LVG) say it's their fascination with the romantic notion of vampires, rather than any darker intent, that draws them together." Scientists Create Cloak of Invisibility : "Scientists are boldly going where only fiction has gone before -- to develop a Cloak of Invisibility. It isn't quite ready to hide a Romulan space ship from Capt. James T. Kirk or to disguise Harry Potter, but it is a significant start and could show the way to more sophisticated designs. The "metamaterial" cloak deflects microwave beams so they flow around a "hidden" object inside with little distortion, making it ap...

Wedding Traditions

Many soon-to-be-married couples probably have scheduled their big day on Halloween. There are many traditions involving weddings, including a few superstitions. But how many of you know the origins of having bridesmaids, groomsmen and bouquets of flowers? When it comes to THE ring, something that is big and sparkles is always welcomed, but did you know that in Egyptian times a gold ring was thought to hold mystical powers? When adorned with a diamond, the hardest substance on earth, it symbolized a love that would last forever. Also, why do you think that it is traditionally worn on the third finger of the left hand? There are two answers to that question. The first belief refers to an Egyptian belief that the ring finger follows the vena amoris, the vein that runs directly to the heart. The second dates back to the 17th century, when at a Christian wedding the priest arrived at the forth finger (counting the thumb) after touching the three fingers on the left hand ā€œ the name of t...

Castle of Muskogee

This is for the Oklahomans in my neck of the woods. You may want to check out the Haunted Castle Halloween Festival located at the Castle of Muskogee. You can start in the Halloween Village for hot and cold drinks, food, bobbing for apples, fortune tellers, ghost stories, games and much more. A few other activities you can enjoy: DOMUS HORRIFICUS: takes you into the areas where your favorite horror monsters dwell. Not recommended for children. Haunted Hayride: is sure to keep you on your toes as you ride through the Haunted Castle grounds. Recommended: For Families. CASA MORTE: features a labyrinth through the 12th Century Castle, with doom and mystery around every corner. Enter if you wish, but hope to find your way out. Recommended: 13 and older. Trail of Blood: Take a walk in the woods if you dare. The lost souls of those who have gone before will guide you. Not recommended for the faint of heart. Ultimate Maze: Dare to walk the many pathways of this haunted maze. Most of you will f...

GS Question of the Week

During my all-night ghostfest, I asked this particular question at the end of the Villisca Ax Murder House post. I feel it is an intriguing question and so, I decided to post it again: If a place experiences a gruesome event(s) such as eight people being murdered then does that mean it automatically is prone to a ghostly future? My Answer: I think a traumatic event happening in a particular place makes it more likely to have a ghostly future but I don't think it always happens.

Celebrities and Ghosts

Tonight is the Chainsaw Fangoria Awards on Fuse but if you prefer something else, how about checking out the latest edition to the Celebreality line-up on VH1. Celebrity Paranormal Project sends five celebrities to investigate reports of paranormal activity in a certain location. They are given history of the site, the background on the ghosts, the testimonials of the sightings. Of course there can't be an investigation without EMF meters, laser thermometers, thermal imaging cameras, sensitive digital recorders to pick up EVP recordings and cameras to document themselves, each other and their experiences. Tonights premiere takes place at one of the most famous haunted locations in the country, Waverly Hills Sanatorium. Gary Busey, Hal Sparks, Survivor winner Jenna Morasca, Toccara from America's Next Top Model, and Baywatch original Donna d'Errico will be tested to see how "fearless" they really are. Tune in at 9 pm Central to see why Waverly Hills is infamous amo...

Some Odd News for Your Enjoyment

Calling teaspoon benders! Geller seeks "heir" on TV : "After four decades of bending spoons, halting clocks, reading minds, and penning metaphysical thrillers, Uri Geller is seeking a paranormal protƩgƩ. A reality television show being produced in Israel where Geller grew up, will feature 10 contestants vying for the title of "heir" to the world-famous celebrity psychic." Nightmares brought to life in New York houses : "If being buried alive, overrun by rats, or encountering a sinister clown is your worst fear -- then welcome to your living nightmare. In the lead-up to Halloween, off-Broadway producer Tim Haskell has set up "Nightmare: Face Your Fear" -- interactive haunted houses in each of New York City's five boroughs -- and is daring people to endure a psychologically terrifying experience." Coffins to bear logos of baseball teams : "Many crazed baseball fans have said they would die for a championship. But are they willi...

Chimera House

I'm sure some of you have heard about a supposedly haunted house attraction so frightening that no one has been able to complete a full tour of it and maybe you went a bit further and tried to find it. Sorry to burst your bubble but this house doesn't exist. It started to circulate among the population around in the mid-1980s. Like most urban legends, there are many variations of this one. However, they have some common links. The "house" has a specified number of floors or levels, and visitors are charged an exorbitant fee for entering, but get back a specified dollar amount for each floor or level completed. those who complete the full tour get back every cent they paid to get in. In the same breath, however, one hears that no one has yet managed this feat ā€” this place has proved too darned scary for those who've so far tried it. Some versions include that a few visitors never came out of the exit and were later found dead on the top floor. Many have filled...

GS Question of the Week

Do you think that UFOs are nothing but an elaborate hoax or do you really thing we aren't alone in the universe? Why? My Answer: I don't think we are alone in the universe. I mean what are the odds of only one planet in the entire universe maintain life. I don't think they visit our planet or not at least as much as people think they do but I do think they exist.

Halloween Treats

It's approximately 16 days until Halloween. If you plan on having a huge Halloween bash for the kids, you may be in need for some themed treats. Razzle Dazzle Recipes has several for you to choose from including Pumpkin Pizza, Barbecued Bat Wings, Moldy Turkey Burgers, Kitty Litter Cookies and Ghoul-Ade over Gopher Guts. It also includes some ideas and games to keep the party going. Click ..... if you dare!

Good Morning!

Good morning, everyone! I hope you enjoyed the all night ghost fest. I want to remind you of the little contest going on here. Match the lighthouse with its' ghost and you could win 1,000 BlogMad Credits. Today is the last day. I hope you all had a great Horror Day.

Borley Rectory

Borley Rectory has claimed one of the most famous and controversial hauntings in Britain during the 1920s and 1930s. Most believe it was never really haunted. Many believe it was merely fraud, misinterpreted natural phenomena and the will of Harry Price in order to create an interesting case. Most experiences can rationally be explained but a percentage can still be seen as inexplicable. The rectory was built in 1863, on the site of an old Benedictine Monastery for the Reverend H.D.E Bull, pastor of Borley Church, and his family. It is said that a monk and a young novice were killed while trying to elope from the place. The monk was hanged and his would-be bride bricked up alive within the wall of her convent. Despite local warnings, Bull built the house on a haunted site. In 1892, the Reverend Bull died in the Blue Room and his son, Harry Bull, took over from his father until 1927, when he also passed away in the Blue Room (now with a reputation as the haunted room of the house). ...

Villisca Ax Murder House

Villisca was a close community in Iowa but everything changed on June 10, 1912 when the bodies of eight people were discovered. The Josiah B. Moore family and two overnight guests were founded murdered in their beds. Over 90 years later, the murders still remain unsolved. What happened? All is known is that Sarah and Josiah B. Moore, their four kids Herman, Catherine, Boyd and Paul and two of their two friends Lena and Ina Stillinger walked home after a children's program at their Presbyterian Church at around 9:30 pm. The next day, a concerned neighbor Mary Peckham noticed the family was strangely quiet most of the day. She didn't see Moore leave for work. Sarah wasn't cooking breakfast or doing chores. No sounds of their children running and playing. She examined the house, looking for signs of life prior to calling Josiah B.'s brother, Ross. When he arrived, he unlocked the door with his set of keys and along with Mary, began searching for the family. When he dis...

Franklin Castle

There are over thirty rooms in the castle's four stories and the roof is designed in steep gables that give the place its gothic air. Secret passages honeycomb the house and sliding panels hide the doorways to these hidden corridors. It is said that a thirteen-year-old girl was once murdered in one of these hallways by her uncle because he believed her to be insane. In the front tower, it is told that a bloody ax murder once took place and it was here that one of the former owners found a secret cabinet that contained human bones. The Deputy coroner of Cleveland, Dr. Lester Adelson, who examined the bones shortly after they were found in January 1975, judged them to be of someone who had been dead for a very, very long time. A German immigrant named Hannes Tiedemann built the mansion in 1865. Tiedemann was a former barrel-maker and wholesale grocer who had gone into banking. This new source of wealth allowed him to spare no expense in building the house and he soon moved in with ...

Hornet Spook Light

A strange light has been seen along a road for almost 140 years. No one, not even the Army Corps of Engineers, has a clue what it could be. It has had many names but is now commonly known as Hornet Spook Light. This light has appeared seemingly as a ball of fire for almost 140 years, varying in size from a basketball to larger. It spins down the center of this gravel road at great speed, rises up high, bobs and weaves to the right and left. It appears to be a large lantern, but there is never anyone carrying it. The light has appeared inside of vehicles, seems to retreat when it is pursued and never allows anyone to get to close to it. Does it have some intelligence? Possibly, but no one knows for sure. The light has never harmed anyone. It mostly has just frightened people as it tends to come out of nowhere. Some witnesses have even claimed to have felt the heat as it passed by them. There have been many theories that have attempted to explain why this mysterious light appears here. O...

Bachelor Grove

No one knows how Bachelor Grove got its name but itā€™s one of those must visit places to find strange phenomena. Hundreds of reports have derived from there and it began in 1844 when the land was set aside to be a burial ground. The first burial was that year and was in steady use until 1989, when the last burial was. It was in the middle 1800ā€™s when it received the name Bachelor Grove. Trouble began in the 1960ā€™s when the road leading to the cemetery became a popular ā€œlovers laneā€ and vandals left it in terrible condition. It was officially closed in 1965. However, in the 70s, satanic and occultist groups performed ceremonies there, leaving remains. Many tombstones were stolen and some returned which could have given origin to legends that they moved by themselves. Some have witnessed ghost lights, voices, apparitions, and sightings of unbelievable creatures. The cemetery would soon be forgotten if it werenā€™t for the numerous ghost stories. One of the most interesting stories is th...

St. James Hotel

A Frenchman and personal chef for President Lincoln named Henri Lambert, started Lambert Saloon and Billiard Hall in Cimarron, New Mexico. As it grew in popularity, Lambert added thirty guest rooms turning it into the St. James Hotel, attracting well known guests such as Buffalo Bill Cody, Clay Allison, Annie Oakley, Jesse James, Zane Grey and Wyatt Earp. It was also a place where 26 men died (among others) from various gunfights. The ceiling of the Saloon still has 22 bullet holes in it. The building saw one owner after another between 1926 and 1985 before being bought in the 1985. The new owners restored it to it's former hotel glory, prohibiting electrical devices and telephones and retaining almost all of the original furniture. The antique chandeliers, beds and dressers give guests a taste of the Wild Wild West. In 2009, the hotel was bought and restored once again by the Express UU Bar Ranch. The dining room and bar were merged into one area and the a walled-in courtyard re...

For 1,000 BlogMad Credits...

Match the number of the lighthouse with the letter of the ghost that haunts it. The one with all or the most right will receive 1.000 BlogMad credits! Tomorrow is the deadline! Good luck! LIGHTHOUSE 1 - Baker Island Light 2 - Bird Island Lighthouse 3 - Cape Neddick Lighthouse 4 - Fairport Harbor Light 5 - Harbour Town Light 6 - Heceta Head Lighthouse 7 - Marshall Point Lighthouse 8 - Minots Ledge Lighthouse 9 - New London Ledge Light 10 - Ocracoke Light 11 - Old Port Boca Grande LH 12 - Pemaquid Point Lighthouse 13 - Point Lookout Lighthouse 14 - Presque Island Lighthouse 15 - Seguine Lighthouse 16 - Seul Choix Point Lighthouse 17 - St. Augustine Lighthouse 18 - St. Simons Island Light 19 - White River Light Station 20 - Yaquina Head Light GHOSTS A - The Spanish Princess Josepha B - "Murdered by Assistant" Keeper Walking Hallways C - A Breakfast Cooking Ghost D - A Cigar Smoking Ghost E - A Drowned 12 Yr Old Girl's Voice F - A Ghost the Screams "Keep Away" in Po...

Old Slave House

A man named John Hart Crenshaw set up a sort of a reverse ā€œunderground railroadā€ in 1842. Back then, slavery was against the law in Illinois. However, a law stated that slaves could be leased from other states to work in dangerous salt mines. Crenshaw took major advantage of that. He kidnapped free slaves and forced them to work in his salt mines. He also sold these people back to slave owners in the south. Crenshaw kept slaves locked up in the attic and some say he brutally tortured them. Crenshaw devised another plan, this one to create slaves of his own. He selected a slave for his size and stamina and set him to breeding more slaves with the females that could bear children. This man, known simply as "Uncle Bob" was said to have fathered as many as 300 children. He lived until the age of 112 and died in 1948. The attic at Hickory Hill was a chamber of horrors. A dozen cells opened off a wide corridor. They were small rooms with bars on the windows and with iron rings...

Black Aggie

First of all, I would like to wish everyone a Happy Horror Day. Later on tonight, you will have a chance to win 1,000 BlogMad credits. Keep checking for that. Now on to tonight's first story. Henry Adams hired American sculpture Augustus St. Gaudens to construct a memorial for his beloved wife, Marian "Clover" Adams who committed suicide after the death of her father. After four years, the piece was finished in 1891. It was never officially named, but it was mostly known as the "Adams Memorial" and later "Grief". Stories vary as to how it received that nickname. The statue was so fascinating that a sculpture named Eduard L.A. Pausch copied it. The statue would go to be named "Black Aggie". General Felix Agnus purchased the copy in 1905 to place at his family's tomb. Then had a monument and pedestal created that would closely match the setting of the Adams Memorial in Washington. No one knows exactly why he chose this statue. A year later,...

Mummy for Sale?

If you are familiar with eBay then you know some "interesting" items are put up for auction all the time. The item of topic tonight is another one to add to the list. A Michigan woman, Lynn Sterling, tried to sell a mummy on eBay. The St. Clair County medical examiner's office confiscated the mummified remains Tuesday from Sterling's home. She told police that she received the remains from a friend who claimed to have found them in a Detroit school he helped tear down nearly 30 years ago. Sterling said she contacted a lawyer before posting the remains for sale. You would think an attorney would advise their client to hand over the mummy to the state, not sell it on eBay. I would fire him if I was her. Port Huron police were notified of the eBay posting by a caller from North Carolina who spotted the listing on the site. Before the posting was removed, due to violation of site rules, one curious person made a bid of $500. "It's an anatomical, medical-u...

Ghost Hunters Premiere

Any comments on TAPS investigation of the Bird Cage Theatre?

Horror Day

The Horror Writers Association has dubbed Friday, October 13th as National Horror Day . They are giving away loads of cool prizes including a signed copy of "Grudge 2" script from writer Stephen Susco, "Saw 3" merchandise from Lionsgate, Signed copy of "Tales from Edgar Allen Poe" illustrated by Gris Grimly and Signed "Death Tunnel" and "Spooked" DVDs from director and producer Christopher and Philip Booth for those with the best and most creative actions on Horror Day, determined by a panel of celebrity judges. Prizes will also be given to random friends at myspace. On Oct. 13, fans are asked to buy a horror book, give away a horror book, rent a horror video, host a movie night, read ghost stories to children, or talk to the local library, bookstore, video store, newspaper or radio station. I wish I had heard about this sooner. I could have come up with something creative for this day and maybe gave out a few prizes of my own. Unfortu...

Ghostly Thirteen

Ghostly Thirteen Thirteen Ghost Tours 1. Philadelphia 2. Richard Crowe's Chicago Supernatural Tours 3. St. Augustine 4. Austin 5. New Orleans 6. Eureka Springs 7. Charleston 8. Calico Ghost Walk 9. Colorado Ghost Town Tours 10. Wichita 11. Old Town Albuquerque 12. Fells Point 13. Savannah Add your link if you want to join Ghostly Thirteen.

GS Question of the Week

What do you think is the difference between a skeptic and a believer? My Answer: I once heard this on 7th Heaven. I'm not sure if it's an actual famous quote or not: "Those who are uneducated believe what they are told. Those who are educated, question what they are told". That quote pretty much answers the question for me. I think both are considered believers but skeptics are willing to ask questions before believing of something to be true. I think believers are too willing to trust something to be true. However, I think both sides bring something to the table.

Ghost Stories Forum

I wrote about setting up a forum for this blog and apparently, I put the wrong url for it in the post. So, this is the correct web address to view the group and/or sign up. This will also double as a monthly mailing list. New members have to be approved by me. So, if you are signing up for the mailing list, please indicate that. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to post on a daily basis. Considering that, I've decided to declare Saturdays Guest Post Day here. If you would like to be a guest poster, email me at with your idea(s) and links to any websites or blogs you own or contribute to. If you have several, I don't need links to them all (unless you are picked to be a guest poster and choose to list them in your bio), but one or two are the minimum. One last thing. The next edition of Ghostly Thirteen will be on Tuesday. I know there are many popular memes going around including Thursday Thirteen which this inspired from. Since I search ...

Have You Been Abducted by Aliens...

and want compensation for it? Well you probably won't get it here in the US. However, according to an article from Reuters, a German lawyer based in the eastern city of Dresden hopes to get more business and expand his client list by pursuing state compensation claims for people who believe they were abducted by aliens. "There's quite obviously demand for legal advice here," Jens Lorek, who specializes in social and labor law, said. "The trouble is, people are afraid of making fools of themselves in court." He hasn't won any abduction claims yet, but says there are plenty of potential clients, noting that extra-terrestrial watchdogs report scores of alien assaults every year. Lorek, 41, is pinning his hopes for success on a German law which grants kidnap victims the right to state compensation. Lorek isn't too worried about being ridiculed for representing clients haunted by aliens. According to him, "Nobody has laughed about it up until now....

Types of Hauntings

I found a detailed article written for two classes taught by Carl and Keith Johnson from The Atlantic Paranormal Society about categories of hauntings. There are basically three types: "human", "residual" and "inhuman". This post is like a Cliff's Notes version. Read the article if you want to know more about these types of hauntings. A "human" or "intelligent" haunting are entities (known as spirits or ghosts) that possess limited human personalities and emotions. They appear in human form and respond to activities of the occupants of a household, the presence of investigators, or the rearranging of furnishings in a setting. They are attached to particular sites, vicinities or dwelling places, usually houses. EVPs and pictures/video of "orbs/globules" are the type of evidence that can be captured with this type of haunting. The second type is called a "residual" haunting. In this case, a scene from past or pres...

Weird Winter

Battle the wintertime blues with a day (and night) of the weird and wonderful, including ghosts, the unusual and the unexplained! The spooky Lincoln Theater in Decatur, Illinois will play host to a day that you won't soon forget! The event will include: - Presentations by "Weird" Authors - Book Signings & Meet the Authors - Raffles & Door Prizes - Hauntings of the Lincoln Theater - Displays & Presentations from Our "On the Fringe" Ghost Groups - History & Hauntings Books - Whitechapel Press Books - Overnight Ghost Hunt at the Lincoln Theater Plus: Meet Weird Authors Troy Taylor, Linda Godfrey, Jim Willis, Charlie Carlson & Mark Moran, one of the "weird duo" that started it all! General Admission: $13 Per Person Admission to Haunted Overnight: $60 Per Person (includes general admission to daytime event) The Weird Winter Event is on February 17th, 2007. Tickets are on sale now! Reserve your seat. Click here for more information about...

GS Question of the Week

This week's question is a trivia one: Serial killer Ed Gein was the inspiration of several horror movies. Name three. ANSWER: The three main movies most known to use him as inspiration (not including the movie made about him) for character(s) is Psycho, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Silence of the Lambs. However, House of 1000 Corpses and American Psycho also referenced his crimes.

Raynham Hall

The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall is one of the most famous hauntings in Britain, because of the strange form captured by photographers from 'Country Life' magazine in 1936. The hall dates from the 17th century, and has been in the hands of the Townsend family from that time. In some stories the apparition of the Brown Lady once haunted Houghton Hall, but came to Raynham with sister of Robert Wallpole, who married Viscount Townsend in 1713. Lucia C Stone recorded the first reference to the ghost in 1835; the sighting takes place at Christmas of the same year. Lord Charles Townsend had invited a number of guests to the hall for the Christmas festivities. Among them was a man called Colonel Loftus, who witnessed a figure in a brown dress with another guest called Hawkins. He also ran into the apparition on the stairs of the hall. He described her as an aristocratic looking lady with one horrific feature, where her eyes should have been were only empty sockets, highlighted in a fac...