
1,000+ Secret Videos & Photos

How often have you embarked on an endless search for the one paranormal-related video clips to post on your site? I know I have spent several nights looking for clips that didn't look fake to share with my readers. There's a new video and photo sharing site that is growing in popularity called Disclose.tv.

It's a unique paranormal themed site the prides itself on having videos too controversial for TV. This is definitely the first of it's kind and probably won't be the last. Disclose.tv has a similar layout as Youtube and is easy to navigate with categories to make your search easier. You can upload your own videos/photos, and create play lists. Membership includes a personal profile, bulletins and access to the forums. As for the content, you will have to judge for yourself.

Since this is a new site, I'm willing to overlook the feedburner headline animator, counter and numerous ads on the homepage as it makes the site look unprofessional. However, I have no doubt that Disclose.tv will be a huge success.


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