Wander the Web Wednesday

I come across many websites and blogs while doing research for posts. 2 Witches Blog putting together a meme called Wander the Web Wednesday where you list five links you think your readers might like. It can be your daily reads, personal favorites, fun or even fascinating. You're more than welcome to join in every Wednesday. Make sure you stop by 2 Witches Blog and leave your link in their comments.
Here are my five links for the week:
1. Sue Darroch and Matthew Didier's Paranormal Blog - a cool paranormal blog!
2. Snopes - a great place to learn about urban legends.
3. Convince Me - the paranormal is full of debates and this a place where you can do it online.
4. Texarkana Paranormal Investigators - paranormal group in my home town.
5. The Phobia List - a list of phobias. You'd be surprised how many of them there are.