Ghostly Thirteen

Ghostly Thirteen was inspired by the Thursday Thirteen meme. You list thirteen paranormal-related things like your top 13 posts (if you have a paranormal blog), mythical creatures, gods, etc...
My Theme: Ghost Hunting Groups in the US:
1. Sonoran Paranormal Investigations in Arizona
2. The Atlantic Paranormal Society in Rhode Island
3. SWAT Paranormal in Tyler, Texas
4. South Jersey Paranormal Research in New Jersey
5. Rocky Mountain Paranormal Research Society in Missouri
6. Ghost Hounds in Georgia
7. Pacific Paranormal Investigations in California
8. Kentucky Shadow Chasers in Kentucky of course
9. Louisiana Spirits
10. Haunted North Carolina
11. INsight Paranormal Investigations in Oklahoma
12. The Center for Paranormal Research and Investigation in Virginia
13. Paranormal Investigations team of Utah
If you would like to participate and have your blog added here, leave a comment with your link.