Gaither Plantation

Gaither Plantation was once a cotton plantation ran by Cecilia and William Hubert Gaither in the 1850s. The property extended several thousand acres but now consists of only a few hundred, including the original home, several outbuildings and a relocated historic church built in 1822.

Cecilia and W. H. had several children. W.H. died in 1890 after the house was deeded to Cecilia. Their daughter Clara died at the age of 9. Her and her father are both buried in a family cemetery on the grounds. Cecilia was forced to sell the plantation in 1921 when she was unable to pay the $28 in taxes she owed. During the Civil War, it’s rumored that Cecilia hid Confederate soldiers at the plantation up a secret stairway so the Yankees wouldn't burn her house. Thankfully, they didn't discover the soldiers, but did take some livestock she had hidden away.

Several spirits are said to roam the property. A female is often seen. Sensitives state her name to be “Ceely”. One paranormal group discovered Cecilia was often called Ceely by her grandchildren. The smell of perfume is found in her room as well. Other apparitions are believed to be connected with Confederate soldiers, a murder committed at the back of the house, and a pastor murdered his wife and himself in the church. A male is also seen in the upstairs area of the house. Footsteps and voices are often heard in empty rooms.


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