A Vampire in the White House

Many debate whether the modern vampire sub cultural should be respected or a fad not worth sweating about not to mention those who isn't swayed either way. We as a country elected our first black president. Is a vampire president going to be our next first? Jonathon “The Impaler” Sharkey certainly hopes so. The 45 yr old Republican with the support of his 19 yr old fiancee, daughter of the same age and 2 yr old grandson is set to file paperwork to run for President of the United States in 2012. He is currently documenting his journey in a film titled The True Impaler.

Sharkey is no novice when it comes to politics. He was once on the Executive Committee of the Hillsborough Co. Republican Party (HCRP) in the 1990s. Later ran for Governor of Minnesota in 2006 and also had short-lived bids for U.S. Senate in 2000, U.S. President in 2004, and U.S. President in 2008. And recently switched his party affiliation from Independent to Republican to run with the G.O.P. Although his vampire status may be the least of his public relation worries.

Sharkey has often bragged about his dating taste towards teenage girls stating "I haven’t dated a girl older than 19 since 2006". Was even accused of "brainwashing" a 16 yr old from Minnesota. The couple was engaged until last month. Her family has since obtained a restraining order against. He also allegedly admitted to harassing another 16 yr old girl from the same state. This not to mention him being arrested a few years ago for intimidating a judge. Sharkey spent six months in a Tennessee jail before being released. He is still currently under probation.

Will an alleged descendant of Vlad the Impaler be our next president?


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