Norwich State Hospital

Opening in 1904, Norwich State Hospital expanded over 100 acres, catering to ninety-five patients. As the years progressed, the number of patients in this asylum grew calling for building expansions; an administration building, three patient buildings, three cottages for physicians, a carpenter and maintenance shop, a main kitchen, garage, laboratory, staff house, an employees’ club house and the inebriate farm and the Colony had been established by 1913. The need for space continued to grow with the additions of fifteen new buildings. By 1930, patient numbers reached to over 2,000. Tubercular patients were housed between 1931 and 1939 in one patient building called Seymour which led to the closure of the “Pines” buildings. More additions were built. However, during World War II, the nursing staff dwindled. While new buildings were being constructed, old ones met their demise. It's population peaked in 1950 at 3,000 and was considered a working town.

The hospital was used for housing and treating not only the mentally insane, but also geriatric patients and those chemically dependent. Treatments ranged from heavy medication and lobotomies to mechanical restraints and "hydrotherapy". The hospital officially closed in 1996. Today, a large number of gothic-style architectural brick buildings snakes around nine hundred acres of Connecticut woods, most connected by underground tunnels that also house rooms along their paths. Norwich State Hospital's fate is unsure as there have been talks of amusement parks or museums. However, none disrupt the stories of its haunted status.

Security guards patrolling the property have reported beeping sounds in the rooms where lobotomies were performed. The sounds of voices, talking, mumbling and screaming have been heard, when no one could be found. In one particular room, the sounds of a woman sobbing have been heard. Even on the warmest summer evenings, some rooms are plagued with a deep cold. The persistence of these stories led to a local fraternity holding their pledge initiations on the hospital grounds. Norwich State Hospital is believed to be one of the United States most paranormal active sights.


Anonymous said…
great post, some day i would like to take a world tour of all the abandoned and haunted mental hospitals. don't know why, just want to.

love that video in combination with your post too.
Julie Ferguson said…
That would be a dream of mind to tour all the abandoned mental hospital and takes many pictures of them. So much tragic history in those places.
Eeleen Lee said…
creepy and yet sad. There's always something compelling about these haunted places.
Creepy said…
A very cool video, I'd like to see more like that, I'll have to look around on youtube I suppose.
I found it very odd how many places in the video seemed to have been left in quite a hurry, such as the luggage that was just abandoned next to the metal detector and x-ray machine. Very strange stuff.

My Blog, Creepy Thread
Alice Kingsley said…
Really great video! I'd love to go there and take a look, I love places like this.. Could you just walk in there? It looks like there wasn't anybody in there since it's been closed..
Anonymous said…
This place is real neat to walk through, done it many times. Though if your caught by security... it's a state property trespassing charge. No ghost sitings for me. Even in the mourge.Rumor is there actually tearing it down soon :(
Anonymous said…
I'm doing a research project on the norwich state hospital for school. If you have any stories you could share please feel free to email me at Pictures would be great too!
Anonymous said…
The luggage by the metal detector, was part of a military exercise. It was set up to simulate an airport/transit station. That happened about 10-12 years after the hospital closed. They use places like this often. Norwich has been used for many different types of training, for various gov/law enforcement and fire agencies.

Yeah, some of the best parts have been taken down already.
Anonymous said…
I have actually went to the hospital... I was driving out when I saw like this women standing in the window then she just walked off.....
But also the acconomy cannot touch nor can they tear it down, its a historic land mark.
Anonymous said…
I was at the train stop in front of the hospital several times and I was told by residents in the nearby towns that it was a fully self-contained mental hospital (in the past). There was fencing all around not only the property but going across the train tracks and the road. The "patients" would go across the road to pick food from the garden's and tend to it. There was no way into the fenced area except through the front doors. It was going to be turned into a "hotel" at one point in time but the "builder/new owner" ran into a lot of issues including hauntings and issues so nothing was ever done. They don't give tours I would have loved to of toured it!
Anonymous said…
My son went in a few times with others and has picture most recent under a month ago and in two pictures a clear image of face I think it was a pharmacy area also several vertical columns of light ...They heard doors slam and were chased by a large black shadow figure that disappeared...Their cell phones all died on full charge when they reached lower floor and right after taking drug room pic ..but they still went back the next night
Anonymous said…
norwich is gonna have lots of fun after the place is gone this is some peoples final resting spot.
Unknown said…
My dad was sentenced here in 1977 for trying to kill a man over aborting his baby with a coat hanger. he had good intentions trying to kill the fool but the judge in Hartford gave him an option to spent time in state prison or there he chose there to receive mental help. Really screwy thing he met his first wife there, and conceived my older sister within those walls. they both told us some really messed up shit happened in that place, torturing rape abuse over medicating to take advantage the website to this hospital fails to show the solitary cells in the basement where they kept the really messed up people the ones they screwed up. All I have to do is show my dad these pics and he can go on and on about the really screwed up shit that went on in this place.
Anonymous said…
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