Mandy the Doll

The theme around the paranormal blogosphere has been haunted dolls as of late. I’ve written about Robert the doll and the Island of Dolls in the past. Today’s entry is about one located in the Quesnel Museum in British Columbia. Mandy is an antique porcelain doll over 90 years old supposedly made in Germany or England around 1910 or 1920. She was donated to the museum in 1991. What makes her so unusual is the powers some say she possesses.

Her previous owner related to the museum all the strange things she is supposedly capable of. The donor would wake up to the sounds of a crying baby in the basement. Upon inspection, she found an open window and no baby. After Mandy was donated to the museum, the crying stopped. However, the museum staff and volunteers problems were just beginning. Lunches would mysteriously disappear from the refrigerator and be found tucked away in a drawer. Objects such as pens, books and pictures would go missing. Some would turn up later. Others were never found. Footsteps were heard when no one was around.

When she first arrived at the museum, Mandy didn’t have a “permanent” place within the building. She sat facing the public entrance and provided fodder for visitors. Later, she was placed in a case alone in another part of the museum. Rumors stated she couldn’t be placed with any other dolls, as she would harm them. Then again, she may not like being by herself. After being locked in a room, staff found papers thrown all around the room as if she allegedly had a tantrum. She’s been known to “play” around with electrical equipment, causing them to malfunction. Visitors have claimed to feel uneasy or sad around her. Some say her eyes have a tendency to blink or follow people around the room. Her fingers and head move on their own as well.

If Mandy is as bad as some say, how did she become possessed in the first place? No one knows for certain. Although, there’s a possible legend. There is a story, which has the doll being trapped in a basement with a little girl. She died and supposedly her spirit became trapped within the doll. Many years after this allegedly happened the doll was found in the basement after hearing a child crying. When they found it, the doll was crying tears of blood. Don’t believe there is any evidence to prove this story to be fact or fiction as of now. Either way, it doesn’t stop people from flocking to Quesnel Museum, hoping to see Mandy put on a show.

Related posts: Autumnforest's on-going saga with Dale the Doll at Ghost Hunting Theories; Jessica relays the story of Robert the Doll at Ghost Stories and Haunted Places; Courtney also dives in to Robert's history as well as creepy doll commercials on Haunt Jaunts; MommyD at Weekly Spectre goes in depth on haunted dolls;


Julie Ferguson said…
I haven't her of this doll but her story and creepy antics that have been reported, give me chills. That is one unhappy doll.
Jessica Penot said…
I hadn't heard about this haunted doll yet. She's very creepy. That baby face is disturbing! Hey, did you see you one a top blog award?
Courtney Mroch said…
Please forgive me for being so behind on my reading. I saw this and read through your great post and got to the end and was stunned to see a link back to me. THANKS!

BTW, I now have you added to the Blog Party Guest list. YAY! Sorry my site acted up on you. It has a tendency to do that...
Courtney said…
This is the first time i've heard of this doll. But she sounds very creepy. But this is a great story.
Anonymous said…
I have seen Mandy, on a couple of occasions, and she has that eerie feeling when you get near her. I have seen and spoke too several ppl at the museum who have witnessed her moving and the sounds of a baby crying, it is amazing :)
Anonymous said…
Wow,super interting,i wish i could go to that museum to see MAndy doll by my own eyes
Lydia said…
I think Mandy has the sweetest face, I bet she made some child very happy one day in the past.
She's very beautiful and I would give her a comfortable spot in my house any time!'If I ever get to Quesnel, I will most certainly look her up. My husband's Canadian and he used to live in that area.

Lydia, The Netherlands
Anonymous said…
I have visited the museum and seen Mandy. I stood right beside her when our picture was taken together. Picture turned out beautiful. I did not get a creepy feeling from this doll. I rather felt sorry for her and she seemed quite content on having her picture taken at that time. This doll was obviously made a high quaility realistic baby with very realistic features.
helloimkitty said…
There is a story about this doll I know all about it.she was made by a little girls grandma. becouse the little girl was lonely. She named the doll mandy..the first night with the doll nothing happened.. but the second night the little girl heard a baby cry so she woke up her grandma and they walked And looked all around the house they found nothing,but a few days later the little girl heard the same cry.she looked all around by her self she didn't find anything.then in the middle of the night she heard crying again. she looked at the doll and the doll was crying. She went to her grandma and told her the doll was crying.the grandma told her to put her in the basement in a chest. So the little girl went to bring her in the chest she locked it.the next night she heard crying so she went to the basement and the chest was wide open but the lock was still on. There was little blood foot steps going out the window. A few days later on the news there were reports about little bloody footsteps going all over peoples houses and leading into little girls rooms there were also reports of little girls missing even the owner of the doll then a few weeks later there was a little girl in her room sleeping she woke up in the middle of the night and saw Mandy in the window she grabbed the doll and locked her in a chest she sat on that chest all night and waited for the cops..a few months later they put Mandy in a museum....and to this day the little girls are never to been seen to this day :) hehe
gothiccutie11 said…
now i'm all freaked out.... :L
i have never heard of her but she still is creepy i think almost as creepy as Robert
Shoot the Dog said…
There have a story from Japan that they believe if all the thing have an age more than 100 year. They will posses by spirit.
Anonymous said…
Dolls are the most terifing object and my sister scare too much for doles....

Most famous ghost photo taken ever

Scary ghost picture form Philippines
Lauryn Boyd said…
I live in Quesnel and have seen the doll a few times and its quite creepy being around her..
Matt Doerksen said…
I live in Quesnel and I went to see her the other day. I was watching a video on her and the picture got very distorted when it showed her, and when my brother tried, It did nothing, creepy.....
Anonymous said…
I heard that Mandy was very lonely so they gave her a toy lamb and sometimes workers would hearher act up so they walked her around and sometimes sit her on her lap and some investigactors say the spirit is sweet
Anonymous said…
i experience haunted dolls my grandmother had a porcelain doll every time we sleep at night we place it a top of my closet when i woke in the middle of the night its now on floor sitting beside my bed.
Anonymous said…
I live in quesnel and I have went to the museum a couple times but she always looks lonely. And yes she's creepy and does anyone know we're any hunted places around because I love hearing ghost story's
Anonymous said…
I'v heard about this doll by a youtuber named Jessii Vee.

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