Blog Announcements

BlogMad is opening their doors to the public in a day or so. Of course, it'll still be in beta. The last few weeks, I've gotten a lot of traffic and interaction via BlogMad. So I definitely would recommend it to anyone. Oh, and one more thing, they are also have a double credit day. Meaning for every blog you surf, you get two credits instead of just one. It's your chance to build up your credits a bit.

I posted a month or so ago about setting up guidelines for you to send pics, videos and audio clips, and your true ghost stories. I should have the submission guidelines posted sometime next week.

I've also been thinking about setting up a message board for this blog. I found a free service I actually like for once. The thing is, I don't like maintaining something that hardly anyone is going to use. So, I created a poll. Let me know what you think.

Free polls from
Want a Ghost Stories message board?
Yes No I guess I don't care


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