Your Chance to Win 500 Credits!!

Ok so my first contest here didn't work as well as I had hoped but that's alright. If anyone still needs an invite to BlogMad email me and I'll send you one.

My next contest is about the birth of my blog. November 16th is the two year anniversary of Ghost Stories. Since I kind of forgot to celebrate the first one, I'm trying to make it up this year. I know November is kind of a long way off but I'd like to get a head start.

So, here is where you come in. I'm looking for ideas on how to celebrate. I'm giving away 500 credits (BlogMad or BlogExplosion: your choice) to the person with the best suggestion. The amount of credits to be won will increase depending on you. The more suggestions I get, the more credits for the winner (1 credit for each idea posted). Oh and I may give out a few "mystery" prizes for best effort.

This contest will run for a month (ends April 13th). So, you have plenty of time to come up with something. Post a comment with your suggestions. Please keep it clean. If I find one with "adult content" it will be DELETED. Good Luck!!!


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