The Snowball Mansion

Many flock to the Taj Mahal to lay eyes on one of the most grand romantic gestures a man could do for his wife. But the little guys pleased their new brides on a much smaller scale. In 1872, John Wells Snowball had a beautiful mansion built for his new bride Lucy. Their fairytale life continued with the birth of their first child. Unfortunately, it would all soon come to an end.

One night, Lucy discovered her child not breathing. It had died peacefully of unknown causes. Lucy fell into a deep depression. She lived well into her 70s, but she never recovered from the lost of her child.

Today, the Snowball Mansion located in Knights Landing, California has been turned into a Bed & Breakfast. For $145, you can stay in one of three luxurious guest rooms each equipped with a private bath and fireplace which comes with a gourmet breakfast and access to a private lake and gardens. However, if you're looking for a quiet night in a gorgeous mansion, you might be disappointed.

It is believed the mansion is haunted by the spirit of Lucy Snowball who aimlessly roams the hallways. Windows rattle from room to room. Even the lights turn on and off in the same manner. She has awakened guests. One guest saw her walk through the wall where the door to the nursery once was. Some have even seen her attending to a phantom child.

You may check in to the Snowball Mansion for the luxury, but you could leave with a ghostly experience.


Truth or Scare


Matson said…
The Snowball Mansion story is nice. Very well written and we enjoyed this. Keep up the good work.
Steve said…
The Snowball Mansion story is nice. Very well written and we enjoyed this. Keep up the good work.
Bob said…
Spooky story, first time here, love the site, also my little pointer guy !
Jessica said…
My uncles owned this mansion in the early 90's.. and it frightened me so MUCH that I would not sleep in the mansion, and instead slept out doors when there was sleep overs. I had heard Mr. Snowball was a judge, and some were hung to death in the tree out side the mansion... I heard the music from upstairs, and the sounds of people dancing, the lights, the windows, ALL of it... toliets flushing... rattling windows... cold spots..
Chris said…
the snowball is currently in government siezed property limbo. my roommate's parents owned and sold the place a couple years back and the new owners were arrested for embezzlement. sad really, the property was gorgeous.
Daniel said…
i went there lasts night but stopped at the gate, i didnt know if i was at the right place or not! but i heard wierd sounds, i dont know if it was the location or if it was because the house was hunted! but i found out i was at the right place
Shelly said…
My family is actually going up to see that house monday to potentially buy it. That's so cool it's got a story behind it.
Andrea Allison said…
Hi Shelly! Didn't know it was for sale but at least you know what you may be getting in to.
Ruby said…
I lived in the snowball mansion when i was young child. My granny owned the house and had turned it into three separate residences. The owners at that time were Scotty and Lena wilson. I had an encounter once, and after reading your story I'm sure it was Lucy. It scared me death at the time, but now it kind of feels comforting to know Lucy was looking for us kids. There were 7 of us kids and i'm sure she loved it. Thanks so much for the info. :)
Elijah said…
To bad i already bought the house and to tell the truth lucy snowball is very nice i get to play and watch her phantom child so haha
Unknown said…
i <3 truth or scare
Summer said…
My old friends family managed this place and we stayed a few nights, nothing happened. Very beautiful place though. Scary at night though.
Anonymous said…
I was invited to have tea/lunch by one of the new owners on Wed. I didn't know the history behind this mansion till then. I would like to know more about Lucy and if her child was a boy or girl, how old it was when it died. It's so sad to see the mansion in it's present condition.
clint said…
I lived in the snowball mansion in 1975 to 1978 and did not ever see hear a thing,sorry.
Tessa said…
My father lives down the street from the mansion and different versions of the story is well known throughout the community. The mansion is currently closed to the public and is hard to see from the closed gate.
However, the mansion has become the focus of Hollywood producers, which hope to start filming a horror movie in February 2011
Anonymous said…
My husband and I stayed in the Snowball Mansion about a decade ago, not knowing anything about it, and had a lovely time. Didn't experience anything strange whatsoever. We were very cozy there. I used to live in a Victorian house, so maybe you have to be used to the feel of one to be comfortable. Felt kinda like home. The woman who tended the place made wonderful crepes in the morning.
Bobbie said…
My Grandparents Neil and Lena Wilson owned the Snowball Mansion from 1943 to 1976. I lived there from 1960 to 1076 and witnessed many weird sites and sounds. I love that old house, and have a lot of good memories, and some bad... We had 35 acres with the house and Grandpa had sheep, chickens,pigs, geese,ducks, goats,horses, English Walnuts, orange, fig and grapefruit trees... We were a working farm and playtime was a treat, but I wouldn't trade my youth there for nothing. I did see Lucy one night and almost nightly heard the music and partying. I actually felt Lucy's spirit was peaceful and good, but the cold spots in the house felt ominous and spooky. The attic was scary in the daylight and if my brother and I had to go up during the night it was terrifying.I hope someday someone buys the old place and treats her like the grand estate she is.
Anonymous said…
All Lucy wants is for someone to bring an infant child, a girl, to the mansion to the room her daughter died in. She wants to be able to comfort the infant when she couldn't comfort hers. She would be able to move on if someone did that for her.
Anonymous said…
Awwww ������ poor Lucy!
Anonymous said…
I knew. Some of the owners who owned the house 2011-12 abd went to school with their kids and i told one of tgem nsmed peter if he. Had noticed seen ect anything wierd in the SBM but ge said no that it was pretty calm ..hell i even went over once cuz he invited me and it was pretty nice i dodnt feel any cold spots or anything wierd..but its nice to know a lil history on what really happened. There. .my parents have lived in Knights landing for 27 years now so i pretty much grew up there and everyone would always here what made that place haunted was thst they supposovley hanged manny Native American Indians and there familiy in one of the trees thats located outside in the front wich can be seen tgrough the front gate but i guess that's not true ..but tganxs for the info
Anonymous said…
idk id like to know more aabout snowball mansion ive heard so much and this seems like such a small sliver of what it could be. Its beautifully written though!

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