
Showing posts from April, 2010

Giant Palouse Earthworm Found

Last year, I proposed the question as to whether or not another Giant Palouse Earthworm would ever be found in Idaho. This has officially been confirmed as a yes. Last month, Shan Xu, an Idaho student, and Karl Umiker, a research support scientist discovered an adult and juvenile earthworms along with three earthworm cocoons by using a new high-tech worm shocking probe that was stuck in the ground and used electricity to push worms toward the surface (you probably saw a similar technique used int he remake of Godzilla). The worms were translucent, allowing internal organs to appear and possessed pink heads and bulbous tails. The adult had a yellowish band behind the head. Some believed the giant Palouse grew to a length of 3 feet. However, the adult measure 10 to 12 inches; the juvenile was 6 to 7 inches. The adult was killed and dissected by expert Sam James from the University of Kansas to accurately identify the species; the identity was confirmed on April 16th. The juvenile r...

Norwich State Hospital

Opening in 1904, Norwich State Hospital expanded over 100 acres, catering to ninety-five patients. As the years progressed, the number of patients in this asylum grew calling for building expansions; an administration building, three patient buildings, three cottages for physicians, a carpenter and maintenance shop, a main kitchen, garage, laboratory, staff house, an employeesā€™ club house and the inebriate farm and the Colony had been established by 1913. The need for space continued to grow with the additions of fifteen new buildings. By 1930, patient numbers reached to over 2,000. Tubercular patients were housed between 1931 and 1939 in one patient building called Seymour which led to the closure of the ā€œPinesā€ buildings. More additions were built. However, during World War II, the nursing staff dwindled. While new buildings were being constructed, old ones met their demise. It's population peaked in 1950 at 3,000 and was considered a working town. The hospital was used ...

GS Question of the Week

If a Wendigo and werewolf were in a cage match, who do you think would win?

Reads Like Murder in Honolulu

Dream Books LLC, June 18, 2009 eBook, 491 Pages ISBN: 978-1-61584-150-9 Adult Ordering Information: | Dream Books LLC Store The more one reads about the magic of Hawaii, the more you could fall in love with the Pacific Islands state. Reads Like Murder in Honolulu by Georgina Donovan transports the reader to where a myth meets mystery. The story begins with a lovely bookstore owner named Hayley Wyndham. She finds herself hypnotized in a routine bike ride when a sudden hit-and-run jars her in to a mystery right off the pages of her beloved books. The day is made worse by a break in of her business. However, all is left in the capable hands of the San Diego police as she answers the call of a fellow book lover. Although this visit would be anything but normal. With a hunky Hawaiian cop, Keoni Chase, along for the ride, the two sail down a rabbit hole full of kidnappings, murders, myths and even a little romance. Will they solve the mystery of Mokuaina Pu'uhonua? Upon read...

Read the Fine Print

Upon signing up on a new website, how many times do you read the terms & conditions from beginning to end? Members of a UK game website called GameStation skimmed over the "immortal soul clause". This clause grant the company the right to claim their soul: "By placing an order via this web site on the first day of the fourth month of the year 2010 Anno Domini, you agree to grant us a non transferable option to claim, for now and for ever more, your immortal soul. Should we wish to exercise this option, you agree to surrender your immortal soul and any claim you may have on it, within 5 (five) working days of receiving written notification from or one of its duly authorized minions." It goes on to say "we reserve the right to serve such notice in 6 (six) foot high letters of fire, however we can accept no liability for any loss or damage caused by such an act. If you (a) do not believe you have an immortal soul, (b) have already given it t...

GS Question of the Week

How useful do you think full spectrum cameras are in paranormal investigations?

The Orleans Inn

Adjacent to the shore of Town Cove in Orleans, Massachusetts sits an aging Victorian beauty. In 1875, Aaron Snow began constructing a beautiful mansion for his wife and seven children. The time and effort it took for him to build such a magnificent structure earned its past nickname, "Aaron's Folly". He ran a store on the first floor of this six-story building which included bootlegging and burying a stash in the waters of the cove. Snow's son, William H. moved the family business in to the center of Orleans where it continues to operate under by the Snow family. Aaron died on May 10, 1892, as well as his wife. For ten long years, this Victorian structure saw no life within its walls. Then in 1900, two sisters bought it and turned the beloved home in to a boarding house. A seedier side of life was introduced during the Roaring Twenties. Some of the female boarders decided to "entertain" male clients in their rooms, leading to a scandalous reputation for t...

Beautiful Blog Award

Thanks to the lovely Julie from Above the Norm for supporting and honoring my little blog with a Beautiful Blog Award. According to the rules, I have to name 15 of my top favorite new blogs that I enjoy reading. I don't like singling one blog out over others. If you're on my blogroll. you deserve a Beautiful Blog Award. You are all fantastic in my opinion. Here are the BEAUTIFUL BLOGGER AWARD RULES: 1. Thank the person who gave you this award. 2. Share 7 things about yourself. 3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic! 4. Contact the bloggers youā€™ve picked and let them know about the award. Now 7 things about myself: 1. I'm probably one of the few serious paranormal bloggers who has NEVER had a personal paranormal experience. I don't go looking for one. I figure if its going to happen it will. Although, if my mother keeps frequenting yard sales and craigslist, it may happen sooner rather than later. You neve...


When it was decided to vote in a new set of the Seven Wonders of the World, the lost city known as Petra in Jordan was one of the lucky seven to be admired and loved by visitors across the globe. Little is known about its exact origins as well as its history. However, more and more details are unraveled by the day historians. Remains from the Paleolithic and the Neolithic periods have been discovered at Petra, and the biblical Edomites are believed to have occupied the area about 1200 BC. Although it hasnā€™t been proven, Petra may also be the city of Sela mentioned in the Old Testament. Little is known of the Nabateans before 312 BC but historical texts dictate Petra achieved its greatest importance under them. The Nabateans were an ancient people whose original homeland was located in Northeastern Arabia. They migrated westward in the 6th Century BC eventually settling in Petra. As the Seleucid kingdom weakened in the 2nd century BC, the Nabataean kingdom increased in strength as the...

Ghostly Thirteen

Ghostly Thirteen was inspired by the Thursday Thirteen meme. You list thirteen paranormal-related things, for example your top 13 posts (if you have a paranormal blog), mythical creatures, gods, haunted houses, etc... All is welcomed to participate. My Theme ā€“ 13 Favorite Posts 1. Masada - I find this fascinating whether its because they were so rebellious and killed themselves to avoid capture or the possibility it never happened. 2. Hindenburg Crash Site - Such a tragedy 3. The Wallet Man - this whole thing just creeps me out. 4. The Haunted Mortuary - a haunted location turned in to a haunted attractions. 5. Robert the Doll - I'm sorry but I don't think I want to be anywhere near this doll. Start having Chucky nightmares. 6. Island of the Dead Dolls - I think this falls in a similar category. An island covered in old dolls that some claim to have seen them move on their own is like the setting of a horror movie. 7. Hoia Baciu Forest - I remember seei...

GS Question of the Week

What was your first experience with the paranormal?

My Apologies

Due to illness and computer problems, this week is going to be Ghost Stories light. This includes no Ghost Stories Carnival for the month for lack of submissions. Everything should be back to normal next week. Feel free to browse the archives during this short hiatus. Again, my apologies...

GS Question of the Week

If you could create your own cryptid, what would it look like? What name would you give it and why?

Avalanche of Spirits: The Ghosts of Wellington

Founded in 1893, Wellington, Washington was a small town unknown by most. One single devastating event launched it in to the spotlight. Located at the west portal of the original Cascade Tunnel under Stevens Pass, the community experienced a horrible blizzard lasting nine days the last week of February 1910. About a foot of snow fell per hour. Two trains, one passenger and one mail, bound for Seattle found themselves trapped in Wellington after snow accumulations and repeated avalanches covered the tracks. The worst of it was yet to come. Late on February 28, the snow stopped and was replaced by rain and a warm wind. Just after 1 a.m. the next day, a slab of snow broke loose from the side of Windy Mountain during a violent thunderstorm. A ten-foot wall of snow, half a mile long and a quarter of a mile wide slid down the mountain towards the town. A massive forest fire had recently ravaged the slopes above the town, leaving very little to block its arrival. Cascading wall of snow hu...