GS Question of the Week

What location do you feel is the most haunted in the world?


Sharon Day said…
For ideal construction, location, history and geology, I'd give it to Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum. If I gave it to a place I think should have the most lingering spirits that remain--the suicide forest at Mt. Fuji in Japan because of the torment of the people who went in there and waited to die, spending time in the woods, then died there in a natural setting where they might like to linger..
Courtney Mroch said…
What a great question! And a tough one. Just one place? That's hard to pick. It's kind of a 3 way tie between Auschwitz, Edinburgh vaults, and Poveglia.
Julie Ferguson said…
A couple of forests jumped into my mind from a couple of DT eppys. The Hoia-Baciu Forest in Romania where Evan was thrown backwards by an unseen force and the Aoligahara forest on Mt. Fuji in Japan where people go to take their final walk. Very spooky places...

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