
Showing posts from October, 2010

Reader Submission - In Memory Of....

The following story comes to you from Angie : My freedom-loving friend Rob invited me to visit his hide away out in the country. A one room building out in the country just on the fringe of the woods and growing fields to take pictures for my websites. On this cool evening we arrived at our destination around 5:30pm. After leaving the building we entered outside to a meeting circle which lies behind the dwelling. Rob raked the dried colorful leaves into the fire pit, lit the fire, and collected some wood to keep it burning. Before darkness set in he decided to take down the erected tent close by. As he preformed the task he told me of his friend Dave. He died this past July. The two good friends spent the weekends in the Spring, Summer, Fall for two years clearing a bit of land while building Rob's hide away. They installed stairs leading to a front porch and two large storm windows. Inside the wood floor, a small kitchen, sitting area with a workable wood stove ...

Free Pizza Delivered to Cemeteries , UKā€™s leading takeaway delivery marketplace, has launched a new scheme which will see pizzas and curries being delivered to spooky burial grounds around the UK between the hours of 6pm and midnight on Halloween for free. The promotion was developed after learning through a survey the number of odd locations food is delivered to including The Ritz hotel in London, a slimming organization in Nottingham and a graveyard in north London. Graeme Horne, marketing manager for , said: "For every order we get that includes the word 'graveyard' in the order comments box delivered to graveyards or cemeteries across the UK, we will reimburse the cost of the takeaway to ensure that hungry fright seekers are at least well fed!" Those in the UK looking to take advantage of this offer need to make sure that they check the restaurants (2500 to choose from) which are part of the marketplace. Users need to know the postcode of the graveyard so that th...

Ghost Hunters Halloween Live

The Buffalo Central Terminal opened to the public on June 22, 1929 and closed in 1979. Built by the New York Central Railroad and designed by architects Alfred T. Fellheimer & Steward Wagner, the art deco style station was built to accommodate up to 3200 passengers per hour, or 200 trains per day. The complex consists of the main concourse, a 17 story office tower, a four story baggage building and two story mail building along Curtiss Street, and the now detached train concourse. The complex sits on a 17 acre site 2.5 miles east of downtown Buffalo. WWII German POWs did maintenance work on the site. After closing to passenger traffic in 1979, the building was purchased by Anthony Fedele & Galesi Realty for $75,000. Fedele used the building for a variety of purposes, including gala events, markets, floor hockey games, and more. Fedele enjoyed the building so much, that he built himself an apartment to live in within the Terminal. Scott Field of the Preservation Coalition o...

GS Question of the Week

What are your Halloween plans for Sunday?

Britt Griffith Fired from GHI

WARNING: some explicit language It has come to my attention the Syfy show Ghost Hunters is facing yet another dose of controversy. Britt Griffith recently did an interview with Rain City Paranormal on Wednesday September 29, 2010 via Blog Talk Radio that has reportedly resulted in him being fired from Ghost Hunters International . The reason for his termination stems from his use of inappropriate language. During the interview, he referred to those against guns as ā€œpussy faggots.ā€ He later rants during the interview that he is unapologetic and if heā€™s too hardcore for people, they should just change the channel, etc..etc.. This has since opened up a rather large debate as to whether or not it is okay to use f***** and whether or not there was an overreaction to his conduct by firing him. Gays use it as a term of endearment. So, why canā€™t straight people use it too? Itā€™s the kind of thing expected from Blog Talk Radio. He shouldnā€™t have been fired for it. The word was taken out of con...

Destination Truth/Ghost Hunters Sneak Peeks

Destination Truth - "Haunted Island Ruins" Above is a sneak peek clip of the next all-new episode of Destination Truth. As the team scuffles through the desert they come across footprints as a full moon sets in. They enter a cave to try and cure their curious appetite but may get more than they bargained for in the end. Tune in on Thursday at 9/8c on Syfy to find out what happens. Ghost Hunters - "The Chopping Block" Above is a sneak peek clip of the next all-new episode of Ghost Hunters. The team is at it again and this episode will keep you on your toes. A figure is seen in the distance as the team tries to get the paranormal to interact with them through a sign. They prompt the hunted with a voice recorder and asking it to tap on something, but get a different encounter that may not put them at ease. Tune in on Wednesday, October 20th at 9/8c on Syfy.

GS Question of the Week

Do you think an UFO can make an entire village disappear in one night?


Amazon Digital Services, October 19, 2010 (Launch Date) Kindle Edition, 171 Pages (859KB) ASIN: B0042AMD2M Ordering Information: Amazon Amazon's Description: A DYING MANā€™S GREATEST TREASUREā€¦ Mortimer Moorecook, retired Wall Street raider, avid collector, is losing his fight against cancer. With weeks to live, a package arrives at the door of his hillside mansionā€”an artifact he paid millions forā€¦a hominoid skull with elongated teeth, discovered in a farmerā€™s field in the Romanian countryside. With Shanna, his beautiful research assistant looking on, he sinks the skullā€™s razor sharp fangs into his neck, and immediately goes into convulsions. OPENS THE DOOR TO AN ANCIENT EVIL... A rural hospital. A slow night in the ER. Until Moorecook arrives strapped to a gurney, where he promptly codes and dies. WHERE DEATH IS JUST THE BEGINNING. Four well-known horror authors pool their penchants for scares and thrills, and tackle one of the greatest of all legends, with each writer cre...

Catman's Grave

Situated at the end of a dirt road outside of Frankford, Delaware, a graveyard sprinkled with large trees is guarded by an entity called the Catman. His true identity, if he existed at all, is unknown. However, legend states he was a man with cat like features. He used to be a caretaker for this particular graveyard. He would scare off teenagers who chose to party at the cemetery he took care of. When the Catman passed away, he was placed in an above ground tomb in the middle of the graveyard. Many have driven out to this location claiming to have found not only the grave but scratches on the walls of the tomb. Then there are those who have yet to find it. Many of the gravestones date back to the 1800s. Quite a few were buried in early 1918. And for some reason, there are two stones that face the woods at the back of the location. Not sure why. The legend doesn't stop here. Many believe the Catman still keeps an eye on the graveyard. They say if you drive out to the cemetery, ...

Paranormal State Giveaway

The new season of Paranormal State kicks off with two episodes on October 17th. First is "The Death Room" ā€“ where PRS arrives in Ryan's hometown to help the new owner of an old southern plantation unearth its dark history. A painful family secret reveals a tale of greed and neglect, and the team must help free its unwilling victim from her spiritual prison. Next up is ā€œThey Only Come Out At Nightā€ā€“ Once night falls in a quaint New England Town, a police officer's family is terrorized by demons. PRS arrives just in time with the family ready to vacate their family home, rather than suffer the advances of these spirit creatures. They have been scratched, pulled, pinched and pushed to the brink. Through investigation and research PRS must come up with a solution to this family's plight and try to save their lovely home. To highlight their fifth season, fans of Paranormal State can sign up to win an autographed copy of Ryan Buell's book Paranormal State: My...

GS Question of the Week

Do you think aliens will ever without a shred of doubt make contact with us? If so, do you think it will be of a friendly variety?

Imprint Review

Vanguard Press, May 27, 2008 Paperback, 74 pages ISBN: 978-1843864189 Ordering Information: Imprint delves in to the world of reincarnation. The narrator, Hercular Rose, enters in to the Library of Souls and takes a trip six former lives. She gains a piece of enlightenment with every page she turns in her soul journal. Will she gain the knowledge to make her whole and move on? The first time I read a fiction book by a writer that is spiritual I wasn't impressed. I won't be saying the same for this one. Annie Frame is a clairvoyant medium, Amara Reiki master and holds teaching and psychology qualifications. Imprint doesn't overly preach at you. As a reader, you become enthralled with the character reliving her past lives. However, there were a few drawbacks for me. The descriptions are a bit touch and go. In some areas, they're rather strong and others, the same word is repeated so much it becomes a turn off. There's a couple of hiccups in consisten...

Mount Misery

Mount Misery is a vast 854 acre wooded area in Huntington, New York. It's name doesn't derive from the many legends attached to the property. In 1653, local Indians sold the land to the settlers. The Indians sold them what they believed to be cursed land. They claimed evil spirits roamed the land. There were rumors of strange lights and sightings of a "man beast" or hell hound like creature with glowing red eyes. The settlers soon realized the land was no good for growing crops. It was used mainly as a trade route. The rough terrain and steep hill made it difficult for wagons to pass. Thus, it became known as Mount Misery. In 1840, a hospital was built for the insane. Not long after the hospital was built, there was a fire and it burned down to the foundation, killing many of the patients. About 15 years later the hospital was rebuilt. Some reported the smell of a burning building and the screams of the victims were heard during the night. The new hospital burned d...

Milton School

The Milton School was built in 1904 as a four room schoolhouse, teaching kindergarten through eighth grades. One of it's well known students was Robert Waldow (The Alton Giant). In 1925, six classrooms and a cafeteria were added, twelve more classrooms were added in 1935, and finally, in 1937, the gym was completed. It's doors remained open for 80 years until closing in 1984. The school remained vacant until Gary Levi purchased it for his company Intaglio Design, a company that manufactured items of decorative glass, seven years later. A warehouse was added in 1993, covering the old courtyard and playground. When Intaglio shut down, the school again sat vacant, and deteriorated. Portions of the school was rented out to various people including Piano World and a martial arts academy. It even hosted a "haunted house". Fake blood on walls, wax, and black light paint is all that remains now. Milton School is believed to be rather haunted. However, there's not muc...

GS Question of the Week

How do you think an underwater paranormal investigation should be conducted?

Reader Submission - A Family's Variety of Experiences

The following story was sent in by Sarah: This is a ghost story about my cousin's house years ago when she was about 6 (she's now almost 14 and I'm 16). My Aunt Bernadette, uncle, and cousins Jessie (9), Austin (3) and Emily (6). Well anyways, she one day when I was spending the night with her (my family was always there or I spent the night there a lot) in her house was telling me that there were ghost in her home. I didn't believe her and told her she was lying. Not sure how long after that she told me about her ghosts I was at her house sometime near Halloween time and my uncle had a grim reaper that scared me on the door leading down to the basement. So I walked fast downstairs and halfway down there I heard the adults playing with the pool table. I heard the pool balls hitting together and laughing. Well as I got to the bottom and turn around to see where the table was, no one at all was down there! I was so scared I ran upstairs and saw that every one was outsid...

Truk Lagoon

Josh claimed his underwater investigation of the Truk Lagoon in Micronesia was the first of its kind. However, it was not. The crew of the short lived A&E series Extreme Paranormal did an underwater investigation of Bonito, New Mexico. Perhaps it was the first investigation of Truk but not the first of its kind. Truk Lagoon is a body of water in the central Pacific. Its first colonial experience was as part of the Spanish Empire. It fell in to Japanese possession under a mandate from the League of Nations following Germany's defeat in World War I. During World War II, Truk Lagoon served as the forward anchorage for the Japanese Imperial Fleet. The place was considered the most formidable of all Japanese strongholds in the Pacific. At anchor in the lagoon were the Imperial Japanese Navyā€™s giant battleships, aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, tankers, cargo ships, tugboats, gunboats, minesweepers, landing craft, and submarines. Once the American forces captured the Mars...