The Baketan Ghost Detector

How it works is when you are in a supposedly haunted place, you press the button. If it blinks three times and stops then there are no ghosts present. However, if it blinks red and makes a noise then there is a ghost somewhere near you.
I'm not sure if this thing actually works. The blog stated that it was tested at a haunted place in Japan and that it indeed does work. It looks like a fashion accessory to me. Considering, it comes in a small size and can decorate your mobile phone, I guess I'm not too far off.
After doing a Google search, I found an article on Associated Content, listing eight reasons why you shouldn't buy this product. All of them are very valid reasons. I think that this item is fine as a cell phone accessory but not as something you should hunt ghosts with.
What are your views on this little invention?
Source/photo: Cutie Gadget
But something weird occured one day : I put this baketan strap on the pouch which contains my ghost box (you know, a radio device which is used in paranormal investigations). I was cleaning my room, when I saw something moving besides me. The baketan strap was making a blue light. It has turned on by itself.
I took i as a sign to communicate with the spirits with the ghost box, that i forgot in the corner of my room for a while :)...
Sorry for my english, because I am french !